Saturday, May 27, 2017

Wine Fest

Sunday, May 7, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

This afternoon there was a Wine Fest at Four Winds Casino.  Tony got tickets for Miranda and I to attend.  :)

We had a wonderful time.  In addition to the 10 tasting we bought a food ticket to buy some food.  They had small roast beef sandwiches, delicious deserts and small cheese appetizers.  The place was very crowded and we had to wait in line at each tasting table.  So we would get our glass filled and get in another line while we tasted the wine from the previous table.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

New Job

Monday, May 1, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Today was the first day at my new job with orientation all day today.  Exciting...Not!  :)  I have agreed to work my first month on site, then I will be able to work remotely again.  The drive from Tony's house is 1.5 hours.  3 days a week I will be able to ride with Martie. 

It was another wonderful day.

Wedding Venue

Saturday, April 29, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Today Tony, Miranda and I went to see the inside of the Aquatorium to see if it would work as the wedding venue.  We all thought it was a very nice.  Miranda's mom was unable to go with us today and Miranda would really like for her mom to see it before they make a final decision, but I think this is the place.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Last Week

Friday, April 28, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Happy Birthday Mike!  I miss you!

This is my last day at my old job.  Jeff brought in some cup cakes for me.
It says Joan You Suck, which is what everyone that has left gets as a message because of the people we are leaving behind.  :)  They were very good and I will miss the people I am leaving behind.  I really thought I would be at this job until I retired. 

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Valparaiso

Sunday, April 23, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

I was up very early this morning to catch my flight to Chicago.  Since Mike will be picking up the car I had to take pictures of where it was parked and send them to him.  :)

As always when Tony and Miranda picked me up we went out to lunch.  :)

Once we arrived at Tony's, Miranda and I helped Tony get some of his parts ready for his next job.
It was another wonderful day!

Pack Up

Saturday, April 22, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Today I needed to get a lot of packing done.  I felt like I packed all of the clothes I have.  I will be in Indiana for 5 weeks, 1 week for my last week at the old job and 4 weeks at my new job.  I also had to drop Gracie off at the Kennel.  :(

This morning Mike took Avander and Alex to their soccer games.  He said it would have been a lot of fun if it had not been raining.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

Bus N' Bike Rally

Friday, April 21, 2017 - Amado, AZ

There are a lot of very nice buses and bikes here.

Even the golf carts they brought are neat.

It was another wonderful day!

Mike Travels to Silverdale

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - Amado, AZ

For lunch we went to Schlotzsk's Deli, which is very close to the airport.  After lunch I dropped Mike off at the airport.  He is babysitting the grandkids this weekend.  Jess is going to a wedding in Norfolk and Mike J has duty on Saturday.  Jess will be flying out before Mike gets there and will be driving her car back to the house.  It will be 5.5 weeks before I see Mike again.  :(  He is not babysitting that long.  :)  He will be back Monday, but I will be headed for Indiana on Sunday.

This evening the Bus N' Bikers rally started coming in.  There are some really nice buses here with some really nice looking bikes.  They are also light up real nice.

It looks better in person.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Easter

Sunday, April 16, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Happy Easter Everyone!

When we got up this morning to make deviled eggs and after Mass we baked corn casserole to take to Kathy and Richard's house for Easter dinner.

Kathy and Richard sit in front of at church.  They are a wonderful couple and we had a really nice time.  Thanks for inviting us over to enjoy an Easter meal with you and your friends.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Travel to Amado

Saturday, April 15, 2017 - Amado, AZ

My flight was not until later this afternoon and Tony and Miranda wanted to stop by the Marquette Park to check their event centers for an possible wedding venue.

When we got to the park we headed for the beach.  And we found a kite.  The kite did not fly very well, but we still had fun playing with it.

As we walked toward the Aquatorium we came to this nice structure.
On our way to the Aquatorium we gave the kite away to a couple of little girls.  I hope they have better luck with then we did.  :)

This is the front of the Aquatorium.
And this is the back.  It is not far from the lake.
We had a nice time, but it was now time for me to get to the airport.

I had an uneventful flight back and it was great to see Mike again.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Color Easter Eggs

Friday, April 14, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

This evening we colored Easter Eggs.  We had a good time.
We did a good job of getting all of the eggs colored.  :)

After everyone headed for bed the Easter Bunny showed up a day early.  He must have known I would be leaving tomorrow.  :)
It was another wonderful day.