Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Travel to Amado

Saturday, April 15, 2017 - Amado, AZ

My flight was not until later this afternoon and Tony and Miranda wanted to stop by the Marquette Park to check their event centers for an possible wedding venue.

When we got to the park we headed for the beach.  And we found a kite.  The kite did not fly very well, but we still had fun playing with it.

As we walked toward the Aquatorium we came to this nice structure.
On our way to the Aquatorium we gave the kite away to a couple of little girls.  I hope they have better luck with then we did.  :)

This is the front of the Aquatorium.
And this is the back.  It is not far from the lake.
We had a nice time, but it was now time for me to get to the airport.

I had an uneventful flight back and it was great to see Mike again.

It was another wonderful day!

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