Monday, May 18, 2020

Motorcycle Ride

Sunday, May 17, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Tuesday we took the Suburban into the repair shop to have them fix the clunk we have been hearing in the front end when when we turn sharp.  Well we were hoping to have it back on Friday.  No such luck.  They had trouble getting the bolts off and broke a couple of them.  They had to order new ones and they are supposed to be in on Monday.

This morning Mike worked on his motorcycle. Once he had it fixed we went on a ride.  I haven't taken mine out for a while now.  Mike has been riding it all week to the library.  The battery needs to be replaced, so it needs to be push started.  :)

We took the long way to Creekside Food, Beer and Wine for lunch.  We sat outside by the dry creek.  :)  It was very nice.

Then we headed for the grocery store.  Since we only had our motorcycles we could only pick up a couple of items.  We had heard that the price per pound for hamburger was outrageous, but I couldn't believe was $7.69/pound for 90/10.  I really feel sorry for the people who can't afford it.

It was another wonderful day.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Pinto Canyon

Saturday, May 9, 2020 - Alpine, TX

This morning we ran into the store to pick up some chicken to have a picnic lunch in Pinto Canyon.  Don told us it was very nice and what little I could find on the internet sounded nice also.  Once we got to Pinto Canyon Road, most of the drive was on a dirt road.
Eventually we came upon a sign stating that we were entering Pinto Canyon Ranch.  The next 11 miles are private property and we have to stay on the county road.  It was a beautiful drive; the views were amazing.

The flowers were very beautiful!

This flower had a wonderful aroma, so I posted this picture on Facebook to see if I could find out what it is.
Holly thinks it is Whitehorn Arcacia.  When I looked it up on the internet I think she is right.  :)

We then came across the ruins of an adobe house, which is really hard to see in the picture.  It blends in very well with the scenery.

Then we crossed over a ravine.  I am sure during monsoon season this is full of water.
Then we drove through a small creek with a little bit of water.

Eventually we came to a paved road in the town of Ruidosa.  It is a ghost town.  :)

There is also a General Store and Cantina, but due to Covid-19 it was not open.

We really thought we would come upon a picnic area, but we never did.  We thought we would drive by Chinati Hot Springs, then pull off somewhere to eat our lunch.  :)

Chinati Hot Springs is also closed, but when I got back I looked up information on the resort and it seems like it would be a nice place to spend a night or 2.  :)  For more information check out their website.  Chinati Hot Springs

We finally stopped at a "Y" in the roadparked in the middle of the road, and ate our lunch.  :)  In the 30 minutes we sat there, not a single vehicle was seen.
We decided to drive back on the paved road, so after lunch we drove back down to Ruidosa, turned east, and drove back on the paved road.  :)  It was very hilly (whoop-de-doos), which I tried to take a picture of, but it did not really show up well at all.
Pinto Canyon was not at all what we expected, but it was a very enjoyable drive.

It was another wonderful day!

Foggy Day

Friday, May 8, 2020 - Alpine, TX

It was foggy today....and it is never foggy here in Alpine.  When I took the picture, it makes it look like it was only foggy on the mountain....but the fog was actually all around us.  :)
It was another wonderful day!


Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Mike and I decided we would get up early and go walking.  Today on the way back to the trailer the moon was setting behind the mountains and it was beautiful!  It was a great way to start the day!

It was another wonderful day!

Richie's Picture

Sunday, May 3, 2020 - Alpine, TX

We were looking at Richie's picture and worried that the letter Patsy wrote was starting to fade, so I took a picture of the letter and the picture.  :)  This is a picture made by our nephew, Richie, who died in 1992 when he was 11.  It was a very, very tough time in his family's life.  He will be forever remembered by us all and this picture and note remind us daily of the joy he brought to everyone's life that knew him.

It was another wonderful day!

Fort Stockton

Saturday, May 2, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Mike needed to refill his prescriptions, so today we headed up to Fort Stockton.  We thought we would pick up some lunch, then go sit in a park and eat.  Well as we were unable to find an open park that wasn't taped off, we decided we would just eat on a bench at the visitor center.  We went to Guadalajara Mexican Grill to order take-out, but found the dining room was open so we we decided to eat in.
As can be seen, there were not many people there' there was only one other couple in the dining area.  It felt strange.....we felt like we were kids doing something we weren't allowed to do.  :)

On the way back to Alpine, we saw a lot of rain clouds off in the distance.  The rain may or may not be reaching the ground.

We also saw several dust devils, but none were close enough to get a picture of.

It was another wonderful day!

Lunch Out

Friday, May 1, 2020 - Alpine, TX

On our morning walk, Gracie saw a Jack Rabbit (center of the picture just left of the power pedestal).
Once she saw it, she did not want to continue on.  :)
For lunch today we picked up some food from Sonic, then headed for the Alpine City Park.
The weather was beautiful....with a light warm breeze blowing.  We enjoyed our lunch and the weather.  All too soon, it was time for us to go back.  It was really nice to get out of the trailer for a while and be somewhere different.

It was another wonderful day!


Thursday, April 30, 2020 - Alpine, TX

The shelter-in-place order has officially ended.  Things will start opening up slowly.  Restaurants will only be allowed to operate at 25% capacity.  People won't be waiting in waiting rooms, they will be waiting in their car, waiting for a call/text message.  The world we knew will be different.  I am a little worried.  If we leave here and things lock down again will we be in a campground we will be able to stay in?  Or worse, want to stay in?  But I am hopeful that things will continue to open up and allow us to get back on the road.

We have decided to stay here at Lost Alaskan RV Park for one more month and hope to leave on Saturday, June 6th.  We are not sure where we will be going from here yet.

This evening we went back to Marfa.  We saw the one light last time we were there, but I really want to see more.
Well we did not see any tonight, but the moon had a ring/halo around it and I tried to get a couple of good pictures of it.  But as always, the pictures don't do it justice.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Birthday

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Happy Birthday Mike!

Because of the shelter-in-place order, we did not do much for Mike's birthday, but I just wanted to let him know there is no one else I would rather shelter in place with!

I love you Mike!

It was another wonderful day!