Sunday, May 17, 2020

Fort Stockton

Saturday, May 2, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Mike needed to refill his prescriptions, so today we headed up to Fort Stockton.  We thought we would pick up some lunch, then go sit in a park and eat.  Well as we were unable to find an open park that wasn't taped off, we decided we would just eat on a bench at the visitor center.  We went to Guadalajara Mexican Grill to order take-out, but found the dining room was open so we we decided to eat in.
As can be seen, there were not many people there' there was only one other couple in the dining area.  It felt strange.....we felt like we were kids doing something we weren't allowed to do.  :)

On the way back to Alpine, we saw a lot of rain clouds off in the distance.  The rain may or may not be reaching the ground.

We also saw several dust devils, but none were close enough to get a picture of.

It was another wonderful day!

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