Saturday, May 15, 2021

New Years Eve at Jess's

Thursday, December 31, 2020 - Norfolk, VA

We left Indiana and headed for Norfolk to see Jess and her family.  Fortunately, we were all able to make it out to Jess and Mike's for New Years this year!  Once Tony and Miranda and Vivian arrived, the kids could not wait any longer to open their gifts.  Of course it had to be after a pig pile onto Uncle Tony.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Christmas Dinner at Holly's

Saturday, December 26, 2020 - Knox, IN

Today, we went over to Holly's to have Christmas with her.  Gracie found a good spot in case anyone spilled food while filling their plates.  :)

Holly fixed a wonderful meal and we all enjoyed!

It was another wonderful day!

Merry Christmas

Friday, December 25, 2020 - Indianapolis, IN

Since the crowds for Christmas morning are getting so big, and Mom and Dad are getting older, Ben and Jamie stepped up to host the traditional Christmas morning breakfast this year!

Once again due to COVID not everyone was able to make it this year.

After eating breakfast, opening gifts, and cleaning up, Tony and Miranda headed for Miranda's mom's house and Mike and I headed back north.  We had a quiet Christmas afternoon, which was very different from most years.

It was another wonderful day!

Christmas Eve Dinner

Thursday, December 24, 2020 - Indianapolis, IN

Today, we headed down to Indianapolis for our traditional dinner at Kazan's Steakhouse.  Usually we go to Mass before dinner, but thanks to COVID we weren't able to do that this year.  You had to have reservations to go, since they were only allowing a limited number of people to attend and we did not get them.

It was a small crowd at Kazan's this year.

It was another wonderful day!

Christmas Shopping and Van Pick Up

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 - Knox, IN

This afternoon we headed into Walmart to finish up our Christmas shopping for the grandkids.  We saw these cute purses for Ami, but did not know which one to get.

After sending the photos to Jess we ended up getting the unicorn.  :)

We also picked up AB's van from the body repair shop it was at.  Holly said she wanted to buy it, but I wanted to get pictures of the inside of it just in case anyone questioned why we sold it for the price we did.  It was a mess and smelled as bad as her house.  Mike found two petrified mice while he was removing all the trash.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel North for the Holiday's

Saturday, December 19, 2020 - On the Road

This morning we were up very early to start the long drive back to Indiana for Christmas.  Once again we drove by White Sands National Park.  I got a better picture since I was the passenger this time.  :)

Then Mike pulled over, so I could get even a better picture.  :)

We drove it straight through; it was a very long drive.  With fuel and meal stops, it took about 30 hours.  We arrived at Tony and Miranda's place safe and sound and very tired Sunday afternoon.

It was another wonderful day.

Full Moon

Friday, December 18, 2020 - St. David, AZ

It was a full moon this evening and it was beautiful.  The picture is blurry, but it is still nice with a very bright star to the right.

It was another wonderful day!

Cactus & Cow

 Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - St. David, AZ

The new LED lights came in for my cactus and Mike glued them on for me today!  Wow they are really bright!

This afternoon we took the Suburban into Benson to get the oil changed.  When we pulled up to Oakley's Garage I saw a cow's head sticking out of a window of an SUV.  I couldn't get my phone out fast enough to get a good picture.  :)

It just goes to show you will never know what you will see next!  :)

This evening we put the cactus outside and I took a couple of pictures.

I think we are going to have to see if we can get a dimmer for that.  

We also put up our Christmas tree today, which only takes a couple of minutes.

It was another wonderful day!

Another Property in Portal

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - St. David, AZ

Today we meet a realtor at a property in Portal.  The location of the property is great!  But the listing is not accurate and the price is not right for what the property actual was.  It had a number of concerns including a garden decorated with broken glass...That would have to be cleaned up before we would let Gracie out back.

It was another wonderful day.

Drive by Properties

Sunday, December 13, 2020 - St. David, AZ

After finding out the house in Portal was no longer available, Mike started looking for other sites.  Today we drove over to Wilcox to drive by a couple of properties he found and see if there is anything close to the airport in Wilcox.  

We thought this one would be nice but after a phone call to the realtor, we found out it already had an accepted offer on it.  Other than that, we did not see anything that really tripped our trigger. 

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to St. David

Monday, December 7, 2020 - St. David, AZ

One more easy drive across I-10 to St. David.  It was a nice drive and we arrived at Apache RV Park without any problems.

It is a nice big site.  Most of the RVer's here are permanent residents, but it will be a nice place to stay for a couple of months.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Las Cruces

 Sunday, December 6, 2020 - Las Cruces, NM

On the road again today.  It was a very nice drive.

We did make 1 pit stop and while we were here I took a quick picture of how dirty the bikes are getting.  Most of the mud was from the parking lot at the truck service center in Guymon.

We drove by White Sands National Park.  We were here back in 1994.  Seems like a life time ago.  :)

Then we drove by the White Sands Missile Range.

We finally made it to our destination, Hacienda RV Resort in Las Cruces.

It is a nice park.  For dinner we ate at Texas Roadhouse.  New Mexico is still mostly closed down and they only had outside seating, which was fine until the sun started going down.  At that point I wished I had a jacket.  :)

It was another wonderful day!!