Saturday, May 15, 2021

Cactus & Cow

 Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - St. David, AZ

The new LED lights came in for my cactus and Mike glued them on for me today!  Wow they are really bright!

This afternoon we took the Suburban into Benson to get the oil changed.  When we pulled up to Oakley's Garage I saw a cow's head sticking out of a window of an SUV.  I couldn't get my phone out fast enough to get a good picture.  :)

It just goes to show you will never know what you will see next!  :)

This evening we put the cactus outside and I took a couple of pictures.

I think we are going to have to see if we can get a dimmer for that.  

We also put up our Christmas tree today, which only takes a couple of minutes.

It was another wonderful day!

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