Saturday, January 23, 2016

House work in Norfolk - Day 2

Friday, January 8, 2016 - Norfolk, VA

After getting Alex and Avander off to school everyone got busy working on the house.  Well I was busy working.  :)

Mike and Mike J were working in the bathroom.  getting the paneling torn down, decided how to fix the floor and what to do with the tub.

Then it was determined the tub needed to come out.
Getting the heavy cast iron tub out was not an easy task.  :)  Next the ugly linoleum floor came out, exposing an uglier cracked tile floor.
Once this floor was exposed they decided they needed to take the tile and the concrete under the tile out.  :)
While the guys were working on the bathroom Jess was working on the kitchen and when Avander got home from school he wanted to help too.  :)

In the meantime, the guys decided to keep going down and expose the floor joist that was broken, so they could fix it.
Mike J. posted on facebook  "Is this what they mean by open floor concept?  LOL

This evening Jess and I put the first coat of pain on the walls in the kitchen.  Jess painted the ceiling earlier today.  We did not have to paint close the ceiling or all the way down the wall since they are putting up crown moulding and beadboard. 
As we were getting close to calling it a night everyone came in the kitchen to help get the staples out of the floor.  This is going to be a bigger job than we planned for!
It was another wonderful day!

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