Saturday, August 20, 2016

Travel to Butte, MT

Saturday, July 16, 2016 - Butte, MT

Yet another travel day.  Today was only a 3.5 hour drive to Butte, MT.  It was a beautiful drive.

Soon we arrived at 2 Bar Lazy H RV and Campground.  It is a nice campground, but it does not have any amenities.
Once we were set up we went into town to the Father Sheehan Park.
While the kids were playing on the playground we pulled out the Frisbees.  It was fun until I throw toward Tony, while someone else did the same thing and he did not see mine coming until it was too late.  Mine hit him in the head.  :(  But it was fun while it lasted.

The kids had a really good time.

Even the big kids.

Up on the mountain behind us was a statue of the Blessed Mary.  We looked it up and found it is called the Lady of the Rockies.  And at 90 feet it is the 3rd tallest statue in the US.
After a little playing we headed back to the trailer and had dinner.  Once again it was a beautiful sunset.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Travel to Billings, MT

July 15, 2016 - Billings, MT

We were back on the road again today.  This time we were headed for Billings, MT.  The drive was approximately 3.5 hours.  Ami was playing peek-a-boo to entertain herself and us as well.  :)
This was our view as we drove toward Buffalo, WY.  You can see the mountains in the background.
Mike had a conference call he needed to make, so we decided we would stop in Buffalo, WY for lunch.  After lunch Mike headed back to the truck for his conference call, while the rest of us found a city park, Frank Prosinski Park, so the kids could play.  I worked in the Suburban.
The kids had a great time.

There was a very nice creek that ran next to the park.
Ami decided she would put her wolf ears on Gracie.  :)
Soon we were back on the road and we made it to Montana.
We made it safe and sound to Yellow River RV Park and Campground.
As you can see we did not have very much room between us and the motorhome next to us.  We were also we did not have enough length to unhitch, fortunately we are only here for a night.

Mike, Mike J, Alex and Avander went to check out Yellow River while Jess, Ami and I went to the grocery.  Very cool pictures.

As we were fixing dinner a thunder storm bearing down on us.  We decided we would eat dinner at the pavilion.  The rain started just as we got everything over there.
The wind was really blowing and there was plenty of lighting and thunder.  These are the pictures we took of the storm shortly before it moved on.  In the first picture you can see the lighting.

 The storm was finally over.
Tony and Miranda flew in this evening.  They were supposed to arrive around 9:30pm, but the storm caused their plane to divert to Bozeman, MT.  Mike and I waited at the airport to find out if they would be coming back tonight or in the morning.  As it turned out they came back to Billings this evening.  We were really happy to see them.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Travel to Rozet, WY

Thursday, July 14, 2016 - Rozet, WY

Once again it is another short travel day.  We only went as far as Rozet, WY, which was only about 2 hours away.   On the way Syber had made himself very comfortable.  :)
And Jess took this picture as we entered Wyoming.

As we were making the turns toward the campground Mike came over the radio saying it looks like we are going to be camping in someones back yard.  It is definitely out in the middle of no where and it is more like someones front yard.  :)

As soon as we were set up at All Seasons RV Park we headed for Devils Tower National Monument.  I took the day off today just so I could go also.  :)  As we approached the Monument, there it was just raised above the ground, with nothing else like it.
This sign is at the scenic pull over.
As we pulled into the park you can see the ribs in the monument.
There is a trail that goes around the base of the monument.  It is a very easy trail, but the kids still found rocks to climb.  :)  (Once again there are lots of pictures.)

While on the hike I took this great picture of Jess, Mike J, Alex, Avander and Ami.
You can climb to the top.  The ranger I spoke with said it is about the size of 2 football fields up there.  And I took a picture of some people doing just that.
At the end of the trail poor little Ami fell and gave herself a fat lip.
This is just awesome place.  Eventually we worked our way back to the campground and after dinner we watched the sunset.

It was another wonderful day!