Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Travel to Rozet, WY

Thursday, July 14, 2016 - Rozet, WY

Once again it is another short travel day.  We only went as far as Rozet, WY, which was only about 2 hours away.   On the way Syber had made himself very comfortable.  :)
And Jess took this picture as we entered Wyoming.

As we were making the turns toward the campground Mike came over the radio saying it looks like we are going to be camping in someones back yard.  It is definitely out in the middle of no where and it is more like someones front yard.  :)

As soon as we were set up at All Seasons RV Park we headed for Devils Tower National Monument.  I took the day off today just so I could go also.  :)  As we approached the Monument, there it was just raised above the ground, with nothing else like it.
This sign is at the scenic pull over.
As we pulled into the park you can see the ribs in the monument.
There is a trail that goes around the base of the monument.  It is a very easy trail, but the kids still found rocks to climb.  :)  (Once again there are lots of pictures.)

While on the hike I took this great picture of Jess, Mike J, Alex, Avander and Ami.
You can climb to the top.  The ranger I spoke with said it is about the size of 2 football fields up there.  And I took a picture of some people doing just that.
At the end of the trail poor little Ami fell and gave herself a fat lip.
This is just awesome place.  Eventually we worked our way back to the campground and after dinner we watched the sunset.

It was another wonderful day!

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