Monday, August 8, 2016

Hike in Custer State Park

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 – Rapid City, SD

It was another work day for me, but once I was done working we went to Custer State Park to go on a hike.  We went on the Little Devils Tower Trail. 
Which is part of the Harney Range Trails.
 For the kids it was a very strenuous hike, for the rest of us it wasn’t much easier.  The views were awesome.  (NOTE: There are a lot of pictures!  :)  )

We saw a lot of beautiful wildflowers along the way.

 When we got to the top there was a box with a stamp and stamp pad in it so the kids could stamp their hands to show they hiked all the way up to the top.  And they wanted to make sure they got them stamped, front and back.  :)

Jess took a picture of Mike and I at the top.
Then we got to the real rugged part!  And all of the kids did a great job of climbing.

Even Gracie did a good job!
The views at the top were absolutely magnificent.

Mike J took a real nice panoramic picture.
Then we had to climb back down.

Gracie was having fun.
Toward the end everyone was getting tired and Mike J did a great job of carrying a couple of them.  Alex wanted to ride too, but there was not room.  :)
Custer State Park is not very far away from Black Hills National Forest, so I had to take a picture.
On the way to the park we saw several signs for different wineries.  Jess and I wanted to stop on the way back and the guys were ok with that.  While the boys and the kids waited in the car Jess and I checked out the Prairie Berry Winery. 
We found a couple of wines that we liked, so we had to buy them.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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