Wednesday, March 20, 2019

August 2018

Sunday, August 4, 2018 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning we headed down to Indianapolis for the annual Family Olympics.  Each year Patsy puts together 8 to 10 different games to play and the person with the most points at the end gets the prize.  It is always fun for everyone.

I got a couple of pictures as everyone was arriving.

Here is Dave and Emily playing one of the games.
Avander showing off his bow and arrow skills at another game.
Sue and Kim putting down their score for the dice game, while Alex watches Mike toss lawn darts and Mary collects the balls to toss in the buckets.
Patsy getting ready to make her feet really cold so she can get the marbles off the bottom of the icy water.
Sue helping Caroline with the dice, while Ami is trying on the Hulk fists to see how many balloons she can get out of one cooler and place them in another cooler across the driveway.  :)

Dave and Conner are seeing if they can get a good score on the corn hole toss.

Avander has the frisbees to see how many tea bottles he can knock off the ladder.
Jess and Ami are trying to throw ping pong balls into buckets.

It is now Mike's turn to get his feel really cold.
After the winners are announced the kids get silly string to spray on each other.  They really enjoy this part too.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, August 5, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

This afternoon me, Jess and the kids stopped by and picked up some KFC before heading to Mt. Baldy at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.  It is a long hike from the parking lot to the beach on a sandy trail.  When we got there we started pulling out our lunch when I noticed sand got into the bucket of chicken.
We ate it any way.  :)  We were hungry.

After lunch the kids had a lot of fun playing on the beach.

Before leaving the beach I was able to get a picture of Alex and Ami at the sign.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, August 18, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

Today was the bachelorette party for Miranda.  Our first stop was Martinis Steak & Seafood for lunch.
Our next stop was the Survival Escape Room.
We made it out with 4:29 minutes left.  We did have to use our clues, but once we got going we seem to figure it out.  :)

We went back to Tony and Miranda's place to change clothes before heading to the Sugar Factory in Rosemont, IL.  Natalie was not going with us, so I took a quick picture of the 2 of them before she headed out.
Jess was able to join us for the Sugar Factory and we met up with the guys.  Before we got our table I took a couple of pictures.

There specialty drinks were wild.

Everyone had a really good time.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

This morning Mike arrived from Texas and to celebrate our anniversary and Miranda's birthday we went out to eat at the House of Kobe Japanese Steakhouse.

It was another wonderful day

Thursday, August 23, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

Today the entire bridal party went to Cosmo Spa Nails to get a manicure and pedicure.  Even Ami got a manicure.  :)

Everyone was given champagne to drink, except Ami, while we were getting our pedicure.
Well once I was done getting my pedicure I needed to move to the counter to get my manicure, I lifted Ami up to help her down, but she hit the glass and it hit the floor.  Glass went everywhere.  It was about 15 minutes earlier the lady told me to watch her so it did not fall.  So much for the warning.  :)

Ami did get to have a manicure and seemed to really enjoy it.

After our mani and pedi I had to go do final fitting and pick up my dress.  Everyone else went out to lunch.

This evening was the rehearsal, which went very well.  Afterwards we headed for Craft House in Chesterton for the rehearsal dinner.

It was another wonderful day.

Friday, August 24, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

For lunch today Mike and I, Mom and Dad and Patsy went to Tabor Hill.  Everyone enjoyed the meal, the atmosphere and of course the company.  I did not get any pictures...

For dinner all of our out of town guest, that were in town, met us at the Longhorn Steakhouse, which was right next door to the hotel we were staying at.  There was about 20 of us.  :)  Once again I did not get any pictures... But we had a great time all the same.

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, August 25, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

Wedding Day!!!

It was cloudy, cool and windy while we were setting up at the venue.  I was praying the weather would get better.

As the morning progressed more and more of the girls headed back to the hotel to get their hair and make up done by Mary and Patsy!  :)

After hair and makeup it was time to get dressed.

Now it was time for the ceremony!!!  :)

It was a very nice ceremony and of course I cried a couple of times.  They both wrote their own vows and they were beautiful.  Then they did a tribute to all of the military, which brought Jess to tears, which brought me to tears again.  :)  During the candle lighting they did a tribute to Miranda's grandma and Tony's grandma, which had both passed.  Yes I cried again.  :)  Overall it was a beautiful ceremony!

They are now husband and wife!

And it is time for pictures.

And now it was time to party!

I did a lot of dancing.  I am sure everyone had a good time.  Eventually they had a dance for couples and they called for number of years to sit.  This left my mom and dad at 65 years. :)

This is a great picture of my Uncle Mike and we were glad to have him and Valerie come in for the wedding.
The entire day was wonderful and it appeared everyone had a great time.  We would like to thank everyone that was able to attend.  We were so happy to see each and everyone of you.

It was another wonderful day!

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