Monday, September 2, 2019

Head for Cadillac

Saturday, August 3, 2019 - Cadillac, MI

Earlier this week EZ Kamp had us move the truck to repair damage to the underground sewer lines.  Well they dug them up and I don't see any damage to the pipe, but I do wonder how we are going to get hitch up.  I actually took the pictures last night.  :)

We made it, but it took a lot of jockeying.

Avander got to ride in the truck first.  After we stopped at Steak N Shake for lunch it was Ami's turn.

We arrived at Camp Cadillac safe and sound and while we were setting up they were having train rides for the kids.  Avander and Ami had to wait their turn, but eventually they got a ride.  :)

While I was waiting for them to return I took a picture of the back of our rig.  It is the only picture I have of our campsite.  It is hard to see, but Gracie is sitting on the bench of the picnic table.
Once we were set up we went to park the boat and while Mike was backing it into the spot we heard a loud strange noise come from the Suburban.  Unfortunately it was the transmission.  So we called Tony to see if he would drive his truck and pick up the boat on his way to Cheboygan.  Then we cleaned out the big truck so all 4 of us could ride in it, just in case Jess did not make it up in time.  Monday we will be calling someone to tow it in and get it fixed.  :(

It was another wonderful day!

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