Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Dinner at Mulligan's

Friday, August 16, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

Mike wanted to try Mulligan's in downtown Cheboygan.  It is a nice restaurant and we had a nice dinner.  Nothing special.
They have some really strange shots.  They all had names of bad golf shots and none of them sounded any good.

It was another wonderful day!

Full Moon

Thursday, August 15, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

Today is a full moon, so Mike and I headed out to the foot bridge next to the campground to try to get some good pictures.  Once we arrived at the bridge a family of geese were swimming below us.

Then I took a picture of what was left of the sunset.  It was beautiful.
We are trying to get better at taking selfies, so here are a couple of our attempts.  :)

They didn't turn out too bad.

Here is what the bridge looks like.
We kept checking the app on my phone to see where the moon was supposed to rise, but we weren't seeing it.  Finally we decided to move to see if we could see it.  We went across the street to the restaurant parking lot and we got a couple of good pictures of the moon coming up over the trees.

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Locks on the Cheboygan

Monday, August 12, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

This evening we drove up to see the locks on the Cheboygan River.

And walked across the dam.

It was really neat.  And very interesting. 

It was another wonderful day!

Cross in the Woods

Sunday, August 11, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

This morning we went to Mass at the the Cross in the Woods.  I haven't been here since I was a little girl and Mike has never been here.  The Cross is just as I remembered it.
Just beautiful!

There were several statues on the grounds and I am sure they were there before, but I don't remember them.  :)

The church building is new, but it is a very nice addition. 
The cross behind the altar in the building is "The Cross".  It is kind of hard to see in the picture, but it is very easy to see in real life.
The church building was built in 1997.
This afternoon we went to Cheboygan State Park to do a little hiking.
Gracie really enjoys the water.
There is a black spot in this picture and neither Mike or I know what it is.  I thought maybe I got the picture of the rock Mike was throwing for Gracie.
Here is another good picture of our campsite.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Boat Races

Saturday, August 10, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

This morning we gave hugs and said "Good-bye" to Jess and the kids.  They headed home after a wonderful week with us.  Mike rode with them as far as Cadillac to pick up the Suburban.  It was ready yesterday afternoon, but the guy said he would be in on Saturday, so Mike could pick it up.  After numerous phone calls to numerous people and several hours of waiting, he was finally able to pick up the Suburban and head back to Cheboygan.

In the meantime, Gracie and I walked over to the old railroad bridge and watched the boat races.  I thought the boats were supposed to be there around 11 AM, but it was closer to noon when they started to arrive.

They were fun to watch.  Once it was over Gracie and I headed back to the RV to wait for Mike to get home.  :)

For dinner we went over to Pier M33 on the Cheboygan River.  We sat out on the back porch and had a very relaxing dinner.
It was another wonderful day!

Ocqueoc Falls Again

Friday, August 9, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

The kids had so much fun on the falls yesterday we decided to go there again today.  But before getting there we stopped by the store to pick up a couple of rafting tubes.  We bought 3, one for each grandchild.  :)

Once we arrived, we also remembered to take a quick picture of the sign.
Then we headed down to the river.

Alex was the first to go down the river, but it did not work out so well.  There water is not very deep and there are a lot of rocks.  He got caught up on a rock and tore a hole in his tube before he went 20 feet.  He was not very happy.  I didn't even get a picture of him.

Next Ami wanted a try.

Avander just enjoyed watching.  I was so busy taking pictures I forgot to catch Ami on the way by.  She was not very happy with me.  :)  So she tried again, but this time Jess was there to catch her.
Avander did not really want a turn, so Alex went down again on Avander's raft.  He made it a lot further this time.

Next it was my turn, but I could not figure out the best way to get into it.  :)

Soon I was headed down the river, but my butt hit and bounced off rocks numerous times.  :)

Next it was Jess's turn.

I was so busy talking to this gentleman, that I did not realize Jess was telling me she lost one of her flip flops.  So she went on down the river hoping to find it...

Soon we had our picnic lunch, then headed down river to where it was deeper.

I caught a couple of great pictures of Alex jumping in from the top of the falls.....maybe 5 feet high.  :)

Avander was headed over for Papa, but fell and was having a hard time getting back up.

Soon, Alex, Avander and Papa were all over on the other side ready to jump in.  Alex went first!
But Avander wanted to discuss it first.  :)

After a short discussion Papa took action.

And followed right behind him.

Here are Ami and Papa swimming in the deep area.
Here are several pictures of me swimming with Alex and Avander.

Then Alex and I had Jess take a picture of us on the ledge next to the water falls.

And Jess took a picture of me walking along the ledge.

We had a lot of fun.

It was another wonderful day!