Monday, October 14, 2019

Ocqueoc Falls Again

Friday, August 9, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

The kids had so much fun on the falls yesterday we decided to go there again today.  But before getting there we stopped by the store to pick up a couple of rafting tubes.  We bought 3, one for each grandchild.  :)

Once we arrived, we also remembered to take a quick picture of the sign.
Then we headed down to the river.

Alex was the first to go down the river, but it did not work out so well.  There water is not very deep and there are a lot of rocks.  He got caught up on a rock and tore a hole in his tube before he went 20 feet.  He was not very happy.  I didn't even get a picture of him.

Next Ami wanted a try.

Avander just enjoyed watching.  I was so busy taking pictures I forgot to catch Ami on the way by.  She was not very happy with me.  :)  So she tried again, but this time Jess was there to catch her.
Avander did not really want a turn, so Alex went down again on Avander's raft.  He made it a lot further this time.

Next it was my turn, but I could not figure out the best way to get into it.  :)

Soon I was headed down the river, but my butt hit and bounced off rocks numerous times.  :)

Next it was Jess's turn.

I was so busy talking to this gentleman, that I did not realize Jess was telling me she lost one of her flip flops.  So she went on down the river hoping to find it...

Soon we had our picnic lunch, then headed down river to where it was deeper.

I caught a couple of great pictures of Alex jumping in from the top of the falls.....maybe 5 feet high.  :)

Avander was headed over for Papa, but fell and was having a hard time getting back up.

Soon, Alex, Avander and Papa were all over on the other side ready to jump in.  Alex went first!
But Avander wanted to discuss it first.  :)

After a short discussion Papa took action.

And followed right behind him.

Here are Ami and Papa swimming in the deep area.
Here are several pictures of me swimming with Alex and Avander.

Then Alex and I had Jess take a picture of us on the ledge next to the water falls.

And Jess took a picture of me walking along the ledge.

We had a lot of fun.

It was another wonderful day!

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