Thursday, May 14, 2015

Flowers from Jess

Thursday, May 14, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

 Jess has called every day this week wanting to know if we received any packages yet, well today the Fed Ex man gave me some flowers. 

This is the first time I have ever gotten flowers from the Fed Ex man.  :)  Jess had sent them to me for Mother's Day.  They were supposed to arrive on Monday, but since Big Stone Gap is in the middle of no where it took just a little longer.  :)  They still looked very nice!

The box also included a box of chocolates.  :)  Thank you very much Jess, Mike, Alex, Van and Ami!  I really appreciate them.  :)  We have a couple of great kids!

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 10, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

 Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there!  :)

Mike fixed a nice breakfast for us, then all 3 of us took Gracie for a walk along the walking path, which is right across the river from the campground.  There is a walking bridge over the river.  It is a very nice walking path and it is about 2.2 miles long.  The campground is at about the half way point, so normally Mike and I walk one way in the morning and the other way in the evening.  Gracie also wanted to show off her love for water to Tony.  :)

Once we got back to the trailer we headed out to pick up some KFC, then on to Flag Rock National Recreation Area.  First we stopped by High Knob Observation Tower.

It was an awesome view up there.  Then we headed back down the mountain to Flag Rock Overlook. 

As we were walking toward the overlook and right behind the sign is this Sasquatch.  :)

The view at the overlook was also beautiful!

Then before the rain moved in we did a little hiking.

We did not make it back to the car before it started raining, but we did not get very wet.  We found a shelter and we sat down and enjoyed our KFC.  It was still raining when we finished eating and Tony needed to head home soon, so we headed back to the trailer. Around 4:00pm Tony finally headed home.  It was so wonderful to see him!  Thank you for the surprise Tony, it really meant a lot to me!

It was another wonderful day!

Natural Tunnel & Surprise Visit from Tony

Saturday, May 9, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

This morning Mike and I headed down to Natural Tunnel State Park.   It is a beautiful state park.

We really enjoyed the park, but we needed to leave early since we were planning on going to Saturday evening Mass at St. Joseph in Clintwood, VA, which is about 40 minute drive north of Big Stone Gap and the park is about 15 minutes south of Big Stone Gap.  Hopefully we will have time to return.  In fact I would like to go on the Devil's bathtub hike.  :)

A little after 4:00pm we headed for Clintwood.  We arrived on time for 5:00pm Mass, the only problem the winter months Saturday evening Mass is at 4:00pm!  :)  Guess we will have to go to Sunday morning Mass instead.

This evening after we took Gracie for her evening walk at about 10:30pm, we came back and sat in the rocking chairs in the pavilion.  As we were getting ready to sit down a truck pulled into the park and parked in the site next to our rig.  The person got out of the truck and started walking toward us and as he got into the light I realized it was Tony!!!!  I could not believe it!!!  :)  We were all very excited to see him.  He came down here to surprise me for Mother's Day, and boy did he surprise me!  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Move to Big Stone Gap

Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

The last couple of days we have spent time surfing the internet and making phone calls trying to find a place to stay.  We were looking for a place on a lake for family over the 4th of July, with the hope we would just stay there until after the 4th, but we started way to late in the year to be looking for a place that would be nice enough and big enough to handle us.  Since we have been to Lake Cumberland in KY so many times we were hoping for a new place, but we will be returning to the KOA in Russell Springs, KY for family vacation.  Then we had to find a place to stay until then.  Mike was hoping to stay down in NC, but we could not find anything.  Finally we found Jessie Lea RV Park in Big Stone Gap, VA.

We only had about a 2.5 hour drive today, so we got up and got things packed up and left River Plantation RV Park around 11:00am.  We arrived in Big Stone Gap around 3:00pm.  It was not a bad drive and the park is nestled between 2 mountains.  It is just beautiful here.

It was another wonderful day!

Last Full Day of the Rally

Saturday, May 2, 2015 - Sevierville, TN

Today was the last full day of the rally.  I am really glad we went, it was a wonderful time!

We did take a picture of our campsite, I just forgot to post them.  :)

River Plantation RV Park is a very nice park.  They have a closed waiting list for their monthly sites, which means you cannot add your name to the list even if you wanted to.

This afternoon they had an open house for anyone who wanted to open up the rig.  The first group went from 1-3pm and the second group was from 3-5.  We were part of the second group.  We had lots of people come through our rig and check out the truck.  :)

This evening we had a Derby hat contest and dinner.  Mike and I meant to go into town all week to get something for our hats, but we never made.  I put several of our patches around my hat and called it good.  Mike did not wear a hat.  Several of the people went all out.  :)  Then based on several categories they judged who was the best.  It was a lot of fun.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, May 8, 2015


Friday, May 1, 2015 - Sevierville, TN

They had a couple more educational seminars this morning, then we had the afternoon off, so several of us decided we would go ziplining!  Yes me too!  :)  We went to Wahoo Ziplines.  They have 6 different lines you zip down.  The last one you race the person next to you.  Mike won!  :)  It was totally awesome, it is something I will be doing again!

Here is a picture of the group that went, along with our 2 guides.  We all had a great time.

It was another wonderful day!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - Thursday, April 30, 2015 - Sevierville, TN

Happy Birthday Mike!

We attended many great educational classes at the RV-Dreams Rally. And meet some really great people. They feed us dinner on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  The food was great!  We have been having a wonderful time.

Thursday night Mike and I were participants in the game Road Tested, which is played similar to The Newlywed game.  They had 4 couples that had been full-timers more than a year, then those that had been full-timing a year or less, which is where we fell in.  Finally 4 couples that are want-a-be's.  The winner of each of those groups competed the for the prize, derby pies.  We thought we won, but another couple beat us.  It was a lot of fun.

It was another several wonderful days.  :)

Check out a couple of wineries

Monday, April 27, 2015 - Sevierville, TN

We were out of wine, so I thought it was time to check out a couple of the wineries in the area.  :)  Our first stop was Hillside Winery.  It was very good.

Our next stop was Mountain Valley Winery.  It was also very good.
I thought we better head back to the RV Park.  We have volunteered to help out at the RV-Dreams Rally registration tonight, which was a lot of fun.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Travel back to Sevierville

Saturday, April 25, 2015 - Sevierville, TN

We were up early this morning to make the drive back to Sevierville, TN.  We said our "Good-bye"'s and gave lots of hugs and kisses.  It was a long drive and we returned to Sevierville.  We arrived around 3:30pm, which gave us plenty of time to pick up the rig and set up at River Plantation RV Park in the light.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Day at the Park

Friday, April 24, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

 Since today was Jess's day off we all went to the park!  :)

Then this evening we celebrated Mike's birthday!

It was another wonderful day!