Thursday, May 14, 2015

Natural Tunnel & Surprise Visit from Tony

Saturday, May 9, 2015 - Big Stone Gap, VA

This morning Mike and I headed down to Natural Tunnel State Park.   It is a beautiful state park.

We really enjoyed the park, but we needed to leave early since we were planning on going to Saturday evening Mass at St. Joseph in Clintwood, VA, which is about 40 minute drive north of Big Stone Gap and the park is about 15 minutes south of Big Stone Gap.  Hopefully we will have time to return.  In fact I would like to go on the Devil's bathtub hike.  :)

A little after 4:00pm we headed for Clintwood.  We arrived on time for 5:00pm Mass, the only problem the winter months Saturday evening Mass is at 4:00pm!  :)  Guess we will have to go to Sunday morning Mass instead.

This evening after we took Gracie for her evening walk at about 10:30pm, we came back and sat in the rocking chairs in the pavilion.  As we were getting ready to sit down a truck pulled into the park and parked in the site next to our rig.  The person got out of the truck and started walking toward us and as he got into the light I realized it was Tony!!!!  I could not believe it!!!  :)  We were all very excited to see him.  He came down here to surprise me for Mother's Day, and boy did he surprise me!  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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