Saturday, November 19, 2016

Head for Indiana

Saturday, August 13, 2016 - Valparaiso, IN

This morning we were up early to get me to the airport to fly to Chicago.  I took this picture of Mt Rainier shortly after we took off.  It is beautiful.
It looked a lot bigger than the pictures makes it out to be. 
Tony picked me up at the airport.  It was about lunch time and I was hungry, so we stopped by the Base Pro Shop to eat at the restaurant in the store.  I was sure the seafood here would be really good.  Well this is not a restaurant I will be going to again.  I had a fish sandwich and it was very greasy and not very flavorful.  Tony's did not look much better.  But we still enjoyed ourselves.  :)

I will be here all week to work in the office.  

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mike Heads Back to AZ

Monday, August 1, 2016 - Gig Harbor, WA

I had to have Mike to the airport very early this morning.  He will not be back until August 27. 

After dropping him off at the airport I went back to the trailer to work.  The internet here is terrible.  I will be using the wifi hotspot on my phone.  :(

Since I was up so early this morning I did not go to Jess's tonight.  Gracie and I just relaxed this evening.

It was another wonderful day!

Play Day and Great Pizza

Sunday, July 31, 2016 - Gig Harbor, WA

After Mass Mike and I went to the Devoted Kiss Cafe in Gig Harbor for breakfast.  It was a nice little place with a nice view of the harbor.
After breakfast we went back to the trailer and Mike took the truck to fill it up.  Oh no!  As soon as he came back the office called me.  "I thought we agreed you would not move the truck, if you are going to move it again before you leave you will have to find another place to park it".  I let them know we just filled it up with fuel and it will not move again until we are ready to leave.  So much for being big rig friendly.

Soon we headed over to Jess and Mike J's to play.  We had a lot of fun playing with the kids.  For dinner we went to the Toad House in Bremerton.  It is a pizza place and their pizza is fantastic!  It is a place we will go back to for sure!

It was another wonderful day!

Move to Gig Harbor

Saturday, July 30, 2016 - Gig Harbor, WA

Well after calling or stopping by the RV center on a daily basis all of the slide toppers are replaced and they look good.  :)  Honestly I was very worried they would not get it done by the end of the week.  They were supposed to start work on the trailer on Monday, but did not start until Thursday.  They ran into a couple of problems and finished them up this morning.

Around noon I picked Mike up at the airport.  We immediately headed for the storage facility to pick up the truck, the on to Cedar Creek RV Center to get the trailer.  I can't believe I did not get any pictures of the new slide toppers.  Not that they are real exciting.  :)

We got all checked in at Gig Harbor RV Resort.  As we were setting up I got a call on my phone and it was the front office.  They wanted to know if were keeping the truck here.  I thought to myself "are you kidding!"  It is not like I tried to hide the truck while checking in, so I was not sure why they did not say something then.  They said the truck is to heavy and it will ruin their roads.  Once again I thought "are you kidding!"  Several of the motorhomes they have here are a lot heavier then the truck.  Well they agreed to let us keep it in their storage area as long as I promised not to move it while I am here.

Once we were all set up we headed over to Jess and Mike J's to have dinner and play with the kids. 

It was another wonderful day!

Move to the apartment

Monday, July 25, 2016 - Silverdale, WA

This morning I said good-bye to Mike as he headed for the airport to head back to Arizona.  I stayed as late as possible at the hotel to work.  Once I had to check out I moved to the Panera Bread to finish out my work day.  Once I was done with my work day I headed for Jess and Mike's apartment. 

It is a very nice apartment, but they will not be getting their furniture for at least another week.  The boys had one air mattress to sleep on, I had another, Ami slept in her travel bed and Mike J and Jess had a mattress that we brought with us.  We got the lawn chairs out of the trailer and we were set for the week.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Silverdale, WA

Sunday, July 24, 2016 - Seattle, WA

Once again we were up early this morning to get on the road to Silverdale, WA.  Our last leg of the trip.  It is hard to believe this great trip is almost over.  We have had a wonderful time! 

Once we arrived in the Seattle area we met up with Tony and Miranda for lunch.  We had a nice lunch, then we headed for Silverdale. 

We were not going to be able to check into Gig Harbor RV Resort until Saturday, July 30th and we were unable to find another RV resort in the area that had space for us.  We needed to have the slide topper on the bedroom slide replaced so we dropped the trailer off at Clear Creek RV Center to have all of the slide toppers replaced.  The bedroom slide topper made it all the way here without tearing off any further with our Gorilla Tape repair.  :)  Clear Creek RV Center promised they would have it done by Friday!  I sure do hope so!

They did not have room to store the truck for the week, so we had to find a storage facility that would allow us to keep the truck there for only a week.  The facility we found Stor-N-Loc in Bremerton.  So after dropping off the trailer we headed there, but Google Maps had us take a wrong turn.  After a quick U-Turn we arrived, got the truck put away for the week and headed out.

Next we headed for Bangor Naval Base.  Jess, Mike J and kids will be staying at the hotel located on the base tonight.  The rest of us did not want to go through security since we would not be staying there tonight, so we waited just outside the gates for them to empty their car.  They wanted all of their stuff to move into the apartment tomorrow.  After cleaning out their car they came back and we moved the rest of their stuff from the Suburban to their car and said our good-bye's. 

Mike and I and Tony and Miranda headed for Seattle.  Tony and Miranda are flying back to Indiana tonight and Mike will be flying back to Arizona in the morning.  When we got to the hotel Tony worked on homework, while the rest of us just rested.  Once he finished his homework we went out to eat.  The traffic was terrible, so right after dinner we dropped Tony and Miranda off at the airport.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Travel to Ellensburg, WA

Saturday, July 23, 2016 - Ellensburg, WA

We were up early again today.  Today Tony and Miranda drove all the way to Seattle, so they could do a little sight seeing in Seattle, while we just drove as far as Ellensburg, WA.  Since Tony and Miranda took Jess and Mike J's car I was able to ride in the truck with Mike.  Jess and Mike J were in the Suburban.  It was a nice change of pace.

As we drove into the state of Washington I was surprised by topography.  I thought all of the state of Washington was mountainous.  But it looks like the eastern side of the state is desert.

As we got closer to Ellensburg we could see Mt. Rainier off in the distance.  It is awesome.  The pictures do not do it justice.

We soon arrived at Ellensburg KOA.
The campground was nice, but it was not really big rig friendly.  We had to park the truck in another area.  They had a truck parking area, but you had to go under a bridge that was only 9+' tall.  Not really something that will work for our truck.  :)  The staff could have been friendlier.

It was another wonderful day! 

Travel to Kellogg, ID

Friday, July 22, 2016 - Kellogg, ID

We had a wonderful time at Glacier National Park.  We were up early this morning so we could get packed up and head out.  Since Tony will be driving the truck and trailer down to Arizona in September Mike had him drive.  When we arrived at Crystal Gold Mine & RV Park it was raining.  But it eventually cleared up and I took this picture of our campsite.
Tony was tired so he laid down in the recliner, grabbed my teddy bear and went to sleep.  :)  I actually think the teddy bear was already in the recliner and he just grabbed it up as he sat down.
Miranda was working on homework, so Mike and I and Jess, Mike J and the kids all went into town to play at the playground.

The RV park did have a gold mine that you could tour, but they wanted $12/person.  Even the kids.  That was more money than we wanted to spend for something the kids may or may not like.  While at the park Mike and I walked around and found there was a 9 hole (if that is what you call it) frisbee golf course.  There was also the Silver Valley Veterans Memorial. 

It is a memorial that is still under construction, but they have done a very nice job on it.

After playing and walking around we headed back to the trailer, had dinner, then headed for bed.  Tomorrow will be another travel day!

It was another wonderful day!