Sunday, November 13, 2016

Move to Gig Harbor

Saturday, July 30, 2016 - Gig Harbor, WA

Well after calling or stopping by the RV center on a daily basis all of the slide toppers are replaced and they look good.  :)  Honestly I was very worried they would not get it done by the end of the week.  They were supposed to start work on the trailer on Monday, but did not start until Thursday.  They ran into a couple of problems and finished them up this morning.

Around noon I picked Mike up at the airport.  We immediately headed for the storage facility to pick up the truck, the on to Cedar Creek RV Center to get the trailer.  I can't believe I did not get any pictures of the new slide toppers.  Not that they are real exciting.  :)

We got all checked in at Gig Harbor RV Resort.  As we were setting up I got a call on my phone and it was the front office.  They wanted to know if were keeping the truck here.  I thought to myself "are you kidding!"  It is not like I tried to hide the truck while checking in, so I was not sure why they did not say something then.  They said the truck is to heavy and it will ruin their roads.  Once again I thought "are you kidding!"  Several of the motorhomes they have here are a lot heavier then the truck.  Well they agreed to let us keep it in their storage area as long as I promised not to move it while I am here.

Once we were all set up we headed over to Jess and Mike J's to have dinner and play with the kids. 

It was another wonderful day!

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