Sunday, November 13, 2016

Move to the apartment

Monday, July 25, 2016 - Silverdale, WA

This morning I said good-bye to Mike as he headed for the airport to head back to Arizona.  I stayed as late as possible at the hotel to work.  Once I had to check out I moved to the Panera Bread to finish out my work day.  Once I was done with my work day I headed for Jess and Mike's apartment. 

It is a very nice apartment, but they will not be getting their furniture for at least another week.  The boys had one air mattress to sleep on, I had another, Ami slept in her travel bed and Mike J and Jess had a mattress that we brought with us.  We got the lawn chairs out of the trailer and we were set for the week.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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