Sunday, June 18, 2017

New Site

Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - Amado, AZ

While I was in Indiana Mike had to move our home to a new site.  There was supposed to someone move into our spot on May 15th, but they still are not there.  But it does not matter because now we have a tree.  We will be happy we have a tree with the triple digit temperatures that we will have very soon.  :)
It is one of the biggest trees in the RV park.  Gracie likes it.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Catalina State Park

Saturday, June 3, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Since it is supposed to get up to the triple digits today we decided we would go for a hike early.  Catalina State Park is about 50 minute drive from Amado.
It was a nice hike, but it sure did get hot!

Gracie was dragging really bad.
This will probably be the last hike we will take her on until it cools down a lot!

After our hike we had a nice picnic lunch while Gracie relaxed in the shade of the table.  :)
After lunch we drove around just to check more of the park.  It is a very nice park!

On our way home Jess called an told us about why Ami wants to go "catching" instead of "fishing".  Avander wants Papa to come up and go fishing with him on his birthday.  Well Ami wanted to know what fishing was and Jess should her a video of people fishing.  Ami thinks it is boring except the catching part, so she wants to go "catching" with me, while Papa goes fishing with Avander.  LOL!

We dropped Gracie off at home, then headed back up to Tucson to go helmet shopping for Mike.  Since he ruined his helmet when he had his wreck in January.  While shopping I saw this nice toy.  :)
I just had to send a picture of it to Tony, since he is thinking about buying a new ATV.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Amado

Monday, May 29, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Happy Memorial Day!

This morning I packed all of my stuff that I could fit in my suitcases.  There are a couple of items that I am going to have to leave behind, there just isn't room.  :)

We loaded my stuff in the car and headed for Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.  My flight isn't until later this evening, so we decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and go for a short hike.

The water was a beautiful blue color!  It was a great hike.  This is looking back at the end of the trail.  Coming down lots of steps, which we went up on the back side.  They are hard to see in the picture, but they are there.  :)
After a wonderful afternoon we went out to dinner, then it was finally time to drop me off at the airport.  I had a wonderful time with Tony and Miranda!  I can't thank them enough for putting up with me for the last 5 weeks.  :)

After being away for 5 weeks it was wonderful to see Mike again.  Gracie was also thrilled to see me.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Birthday Party

Sunday, May 28, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

This morning shortly after we got up we headed for Indianapolis.  Sue and John bought John's Dad's place and they are working very hard to remodel it.  I have never seen the place before, so we stopped by.  They have made a lot of changes and it is really coming together!  :)  We sat out on the back patio for a little while before heading over to Patsy's.

As always Patsy had a wonderful dinner cooked.  She is a great cook!  And she loves cooking for the family.

After dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Mom and Kim.
 Then I took pictures of everyone else!  :)

We had a wonderful visit, but it was getting time to head back north. 

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Gard Party

Sunday, May 21, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

We slept in a little bit, then after a quick breakfast at the hotel we headed for the storage shed.  We picked up the boat and cleaned out the storage shed.  The boat will have a new home at Tony's for now.  It has been in this storage shed since 2002 I think. 

When we arrived in Indianapolis we headed for Jake's Graduation party.

Eventually it was time to say our "Good-Bye"'s.  When we got to Tony's we got the boat put in the garage and called it a night.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Saturday, May 20, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Today we took the trampoline out of Tony's garage and put it together, then played on it for a few a little bit.  It has been since last summer since I have jumped on a trampoline.  It sure does a whole different set of muscles.  :)

Eventually we headed for Bremen.  It was Miranda's Mom's birthday yesterday and Tony and Miranda took me and Natalie out to dinner at Wooden Peel.  Wooden Peel is one of the best pizza places around.  :)  We had a wonderful time.

After dinner we said our good-bye's and headed for Jamestown, KY.  It was after 8:00pm when we left and it was a 6+ hour drive.  We made it as far as Columbia, KY, which is only about 30 minutes from the storage shed where the boat is.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, May 14, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Happy Mother's Day!

While I was at Mass Miranda fixed breakfast.  She is a good cook.  :)  After we got the breakfast dishes cleaned up we headed for Indianapolis.

We had a wonderful time in Indianapolis and I was fortunate enough to spend Mother's day with my Mom.  I love you Mom!

 It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Saturday, May 13, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

This morning Tony, Miranda and I headed for her mom's house to demo a back patio area.  We worked hard to get it torn down, but Tony did not bring along any pry bars.  We got most of it done and they will be able to finish it the next time they make it over here.  We also dropped off the hosta plants.

After a lot of hard work we had a late lunch at McAlister's Deli. I think Miranda is thinking about getting a catering estimate from them for the wedding next summer.  She wanted Tony to try the food.  He thought it was real good also.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Friday, May12, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

When I got home from work said she was going to pull the hosta out of the corner of the front yard.  They are tired of mowing around it and Miranda's mom said she would like to have it.  It was amazing how hard it was to dig it out!  :)  But we got the job done!
They are now in the buckets and ready to go to Miranda's mom's house.

It was another wonderful day!