Sunday, June 18, 2017

Catalina State Park

Saturday, June 3, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Since it is supposed to get up to the triple digits today we decided we would go for a hike early.  Catalina State Park is about 50 minute drive from Amado.
It was a nice hike, but it sure did get hot!

Gracie was dragging really bad.
This will probably be the last hike we will take her on until it cools down a lot!

After our hike we had a nice picnic lunch while Gracie relaxed in the shade of the table.  :)
After lunch we drove around just to check more of the park.  It is a very nice park!

On our way home Jess called an told us about why Ami wants to go "catching" instead of "fishing".  Avander wants Papa to come up and go fishing with him on his birthday.  Well Ami wanted to know what fishing was and Jess should her a video of people fishing.  Ami thinks it is boring except the catching part, so she wants to go "catching" with me, while Papa goes fishing with Avander.  LOL!

We dropped Gracie off at home, then headed back up to Tucson to go helmet shopping for Mike.  Since he ruined his helmet when he had his wreck in January.  While shopping I saw this nice toy.  :)
I just had to send a picture of it to Tony, since he is thinking about buying a new ATV.

It was another wonderful day!

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