Sunday, June 18, 2017

Birthday Party

Sunday, May 28, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

This morning shortly after we got up we headed for Indianapolis.  Sue and John bought John's Dad's place and they are working very hard to remodel it.  I have never seen the place before, so we stopped by.  They have made a lot of changes and it is really coming together!  :)  We sat out on the back patio for a little while before heading over to Patsy's.

As always Patsy had a wonderful dinner cooked.  She is a great cook!  And she loves cooking for the family.

After dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Mom and Kim.
 Then I took pictures of everyone else!  :)

We had a wonderful visit, but it was getting time to head back north. 

It was another wonderful day!

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