Saturday, July 15, 2017

Movie Day

Saturday, July 1, 2017 - Amado, AZ

When it is this hot outside you have to find things to do inside.  So today we decided to go to the movies.  We picked Wonder Woman.  It was actually a very good movie.  Mike stayed awake through the entire movie, which is how the kids and I have always determined if Mike really liked a movie.  :)

On the way home we did take a few more pictures of the smoke from the Burro wildfire, which is near the south east side of Tucson.

We are really hoping the monsoon rains start coming to put out these fires.

It was another wonderful day!


Sunday, June 25, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This afternoon Mike had to run by the office to give some spending money to a couple of the guys that are headed for Reynosa to do some training over there.  I haven't seen where he works so I thought it would be a nice ride.  We stopped by Nogales, AZ to get something to drink before crossing into Mexico.  While we were there it was raining.  I looked at the temperature and could not believe how much it had dropped.  That's right it says 68!
This is downtown Nogales Mexico.

Traffic stopped and I looked around to see what was going on.  I asked Mike why and he said it was a red light.  I am sure I would have missed this light.  It is right next to the street sign.
As we drove a little further Mike pointed out that the second lane from the right was the left turn lane.
As you drive down this road to continue going straight you have to be in the far right lane or one of the left 2 lanes.  They do this so big trucks can do a u-turn if necessary to get to businesses on the other side of the road.  But to me it is very confusing.  :)

On our way back the outside temperature was back up to 101.  The cooler temperatures caused by the rain sure didn't last long.
It was another wonderful day!


Saturday, June 24, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This afternoon we attended Rudy and Yolanda's wedding.  We met them at Assumption Chapel, which is the church we have been attending since we have been here.  I think they are both 70+.  :)

The church was very, very hot during the ceremony!  But it was a very nice ceremony.  I think it was because the doors were left open too long while the people were arriving and because of the number of people in the church.  It did not help that it was above 100 outside.  Since we have been going to the church we have not seen this many people in the church.  :)

On our way to the reception I took a picture of the temperature according to the car.  112!  This does not surprise me that it was hot in the chapel.
The reception was at Desert Diamond Casino in Sahuarita, AZ.  Which is about 20 miles north of here. 
There is the happy couple up at the head table.
They served a very nice dinner and we did a little dancing.  We sat with a couple of couples and really enjoyed the conversations.  We had a really nice time!

As we were leaving I checked my phone to see hot it was only to see it was still above 100! 
It was another wonderful day!

Trailer Damage

Thursday, June 22, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This morning as I was coming in from walking Gracie I noticed this damage to the trailer.
Yesterday the wind really kicked up and I remember hearing a loud bang.  When I went outside the windshield to the Maverick had been blown off the picnic table, but I didn't think to look to see if it did any damage to the trailer.  And I am still not convinced that is what hit the trailer.  Something we will need to get fixed...

It was another wonderful day!


Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Mike was in Indiana over the end of last week and over the weekend.  He had his bi-annual Dr.'s appointment.  All was good.  :)

For Father's Day he hung out with Tony and Miranda for Father's Day.  I did not do much.  I did run up to Tucson and bought me some clothes.  Mike did not get home until late Sunday night.  :)

Tonight while we were walking Gracie I noticed the red glow on the other side of the mountain.  There is a wildfire near Sonoita, AZ.
The glow is not as easy to see in the picture, but it is close to the center of the picture.

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Smokey Valley

Thursday, June 15, 2017 - Amado, AZ

As I took Gracie for our morning walk I could not believe how smokey the valley was today.  You could really smell the smoke.
And it got very hot today.
It was another wonderful day!

More Wildfires

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 - Amado, AZ

There is now a wildfire a little closer to us.  This one is over by the town of Sonoita, AZ.  It was started by lightning.  
It was another wonderful day!

Kartchner Caverns State Park

Sunday, June 11, 2017 - Amado, AZ

We had a 2:00pm reservation for the Rotunda / Throne Tour at Kartchner Caverns State Park and we needed to be there at least 1 hour early, so we decided to head out early enough to have some breakfast and still make it there at least 1 hour early.  :)

As we were driving we drove past all of these train engines.  (They are not real easy to see in the pictures.)

I would guess there were several hundred.  I looked it up on my phone to find out they are Union Pacific Engines sitting idle waiting for work.  Approximately 16% of the company's fleet are parked in various staging areas off the main line. 
On the way we also stopped by a newer RV park and checked it out.  They are selling the lots and if Arizona was a place I wanted to buy I would look seriously at this park.

Eventually we made it to the park.

They don't allow you to take any pictures in the cave, so all of these pictures are from in the visitor center.  :)

They had a list of Caves in North America.  We have been to several of them, but not all, so I took this picture as a reminder of the other places I would like to go to.  Just adding more to my bucket list.  :)
They had these bat ears that you could hear how well a bat can hear.  I didn't have my phone out fast enough to take a picture of Mike, but here is bat-Joan.  :)
The cave was cool.  After our cave tour we went on a hike.
It was a nice hike with some beautiful views.

As we came over the top of the hill it was very windy.  I tried to take a picture that would show how windy it was, but it did not turn out.  :)
We could also see smoke from one of the wild fires off in the distance.
We came across several of these tall plants.  I have no idea what they are, but I thought they were kind of cool.
As the trail turned we got another glimpse of the wildfire.  This time there was a big plume of smoke.
It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Strawberry Moon

Friday, June 9, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Tonight is the Strawberry moon.  I never knew the full moon's were named.  Well the name is different for each area of the world.  Here in the US the names are based on Native Americans.  This month is the Strawberry moon.  This is when they would start to harvest the ripened strawberries.

We fixed ourselves some peach margaritas.  They were delicious.
Gracie was enjoying the evening also.
It is a little hazy over the mountain, but I am sure the moon will be awesome as it rises.
I took a selfie of the 2 of us.  :)
Soon the moon started coming over the mountain.  I always amazes me how quickly the moon rises. :)

As it got higher in the sky it got darker out and the moonlight outlined the tree.

As we sat there I started to play with the camera to see what kind of pictures I would end up with.  I think they turned out kind of cool.  :)  Especially the third one.

It was another wonderful day!