Sunday, July 2, 2017

Strawberry Moon

Friday, June 9, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Tonight is the Strawberry moon.  I never knew the full moon's were named.  Well the name is different for each area of the world.  Here in the US the names are based on Native Americans.  This month is the Strawberry moon.  This is when they would start to harvest the ripened strawberries.

We fixed ourselves some peach margaritas.  They were delicious.
Gracie was enjoying the evening also.
It is a little hazy over the mountain, but I am sure the moon will be awesome as it rises.
I took a selfie of the 2 of us.  :)
Soon the moon started coming over the mountain.  I always amazes me how quickly the moon rises. :)

As it got higher in the sky it got darker out and the moonlight outlined the tree.

As we sat there I started to play with the camera to see what kind of pictures I would end up with.  I think they turned out kind of cool.  :)  Especially the third one.

It was another wonderful day!

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