Saturday, July 15, 2017


Sunday, June 25, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This afternoon Mike had to run by the office to give some spending money to a couple of the guys that are headed for Reynosa to do some training over there.  I haven't seen where he works so I thought it would be a nice ride.  We stopped by Nogales, AZ to get something to drink before crossing into Mexico.  While we were there it was raining.  I looked at the temperature and could not believe how much it had dropped.  That's right it says 68!
This is downtown Nogales Mexico.

Traffic stopped and I looked around to see what was going on.  I asked Mike why and he said it was a red light.  I am sure I would have missed this light.  It is right next to the street sign.
As we drove a little further Mike pointed out that the second lane from the right was the left turn lane.
As you drive down this road to continue going straight you have to be in the far right lane or one of the left 2 lanes.  They do this so big trucks can do a u-turn if necessary to get to businesses on the other side of the road.  But to me it is very confusing.  :)

On our way back the outside temperature was back up to 101.  The cooler temperatures caused by the rain sure didn't last long.
It was another wonderful day!

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