Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kartchner Caverns State Park

Sunday, June 11, 2017 - Amado, AZ

We had a 2:00pm reservation for the Rotunda / Throne Tour at Kartchner Caverns State Park and we needed to be there at least 1 hour early, so we decided to head out early enough to have some breakfast and still make it there at least 1 hour early.  :)

As we were driving we drove past all of these train engines.  (They are not real easy to see in the pictures.)

I would guess there were several hundred.  I looked it up on my phone to find out they are Union Pacific Engines sitting idle waiting for work.  Approximately 16% of the company's fleet are parked in various staging areas off the main line. 
On the way we also stopped by a newer RV park and checked it out.  They are selling the lots and if Arizona was a place I wanted to buy I would look seriously at this park.

Eventually we made it to the park.

They don't allow you to take any pictures in the cave, so all of these pictures are from in the visitor center.  :)

They had a list of Caves in North America.  We have been to several of them, but not all, so I took this picture as a reminder of the other places I would like to go to.  Just adding more to my bucket list.  :)
They had these bat ears that you could hear how well a bat can hear.  I didn't have my phone out fast enough to take a picture of Mike, but here is bat-Joan.  :)
The cave was cool.  After our cave tour we went on a hike.
It was a nice hike with some beautiful views.

As we came over the top of the hill it was very windy.  I tried to take a picture that would show how windy it was, but it did not turn out.  :)
We could also see smoke from one of the wild fires off in the distance.
We came across several of these tall plants.  I have no idea what they are, but I thought they were kind of cool.
As the trail turned we got another glimpse of the wildfire.  This time there was a big plume of smoke.
It was another wonderful day!

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