Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Work Around the Trailer

Sunday, September 17, 2017 – Amado, AZ

Today we worked on a few things around the trailer.  A couple of weeks ago Mike fixed the guide that holds the wiring up for the big slide.  I never did get a picture of what he did.  J

Yesterday we picked up some Lexan to make a storm window for the screen door.  It turned out very nice!

We also picked up some wood, so Mike could build some shelves for the little cubby hole above the dresser.  He did not get this done today!
And some paint for me to paint the wood in the sky light above the shower.  Currently there is contact paper up there and it coming down.

It was another wonderful day!

Richie's Picture

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 – Amado, AZ

When I was on the phone talking to Jessica, Richie’s picture fell off the wall and the glass crashed all over Gracie’s water bowl.

I was very worried it about the painting.  There is a couple of very small pieces of glass that are now imbedded in the paint and a couple of small water spots, but overall it survived.

We will be taking it to Hobby Lobby to have new glass put on it.

It was another wonderful day!

Wireman Ride

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 – Amado, AZ

Mike arrived home safe and sound.  He said he had a great time on his Wireman ride.  :)  But I did not get any pictures from him.  I guess it is like Vegas, what happens on the Wireman ride, stays on the wireman ride.  LOL

It was another wonderful day!

Clean Carpets

Saturday, September 9, 2017 – Amado, AZ

Mike headed for Indiana on Thursday.  He is on his Wireman Ride.  Hopefully the weather will be nice for him all weekend.

Since he was gone I decided to get the carpets cleaned.  It has been about 2 years since I cleaned them and they needed it!  Before and after.

Next summer we are planning on getting the linoleum replaced and I think I will replace the carpet again.  This time I think I will only carpet the slide.  I am hoping that it will stay cleaner that way.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Corn Moon

Wednesday, September 6, 2017 – Amado, AZ

Today is the September full moon and it was very bright tonight.  :)  The September full moon is the Corn moon or the Harvest moon.
It was another wonderful day!