Thursday, October 12, 2017

Happy Anniversary

Monday, August 21, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Happy 35th Anniversary to us! :)

Today was also the solar eclipse that went across the country.  Here in Arizona it only covered about 22% of the sun.  I did not get any glasses, so I tried to see if you would be able to tell there was an eclipse by taking a picture through the shade.  It did not work out very well. :)

Since these pictures did not turn out I took a picture of the TV scene just so I had a good picture for a memory.  :)
I did take a picture of what it looked like outside, but you really can't tell it looks different based on the picture.  Also during the eclipse the temperature did drop about 6 degrees. 
 The last time I remember seeing an eclipse was when we lived in El Paso, TX.   We had the special glasses back then and it was cool.  I think next time I will make sure I get the special glasses.

While Mike was in Indiana back in June I went up to Tucson to go dress shopping.  I very rarely wear a dress, but I wanted us to go out for a really nice dinner for our anniversary, so I bought a new dress. 

Mike arrived home early and we headed for Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar in Tucson.  It was a little noise, but nice.  The food was very good.  And it was expensive!
They gave a small box full of truffles and a nice card.  The truffles were good.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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