Sunday, September 3, 2017

Travel to Amado

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Mike and I were up very early this morning to catch the shuttle bus in Bremerton to the airport.  We said our "Good-bye"'s and Mike J took us to the hotel where the shuttle bus pick is.  When we got there we talked to the lady at counter and she let us know if we did not have reservations we probably would not be able to get on the shuttle.  We called the shuttle office and sure enough the shuttle is full and we can't get on.  So we scheduled an Uber.  This is our first experience with an Uber driver.  The driver arrived quickly and told us that we should be able to make it to the ferry, which is free to ride to Seattle.  From there we can catch another Uber to the airport.  This was going to be cheaper and short time if she can make it.

We made with little time to spare.  The Uber driver was great and the ferry ride was nice.  We appreciated her letting us know we could save money.

When we got to Seattle we used the app to schedule yet another Uber.  This drive was also great and we finally made it to the airport.  Our flight was uneventful!  And we made it home safe and sound.

It was another wonderful day!

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