Sunday, September 3, 2017

Ape Cave

Saturday, August 12, 2017 - Cougar, WA

This morning we were up early so we could get to Ape Cave and hopefully find a campsite.  I did not get reservation ahead of time and several of the places I called did not have any vacancies.  While we were driving Jess and I were making calls and looking up campgrounds.  We finally found a vacancy at Cougar RV Park and Campground.  :)

We stopped by there first to check in and set up camp.  It is an ok place to stay, but I think we would only give it 3 stars.  But that is what you get when you wait til the last minute to get a site.  :)

It took us a little bit to figure out how to set up the big tent, but we got it.  And our campsite was set up.

Then we headed for Ape Cave.  Ape Cave is an old lava tube that you can explore.
I was able to take a picture of some of us at the cave entrance.
The main entrance is in about the middle of the cave.  Once you get to the bottom of the steps you can either go 3/4 mile easy walk or 1/2 mile difficult walk.  Either way you need to have you own light source.  I would also recommend a jacket because it is on 42 degrees in the cave.  Something we didn't know ahead of time.  :)
We decided to go to the Upper Cave and it was an awesome hike.

I turned around to take a picture of how dark it was behind us.  :)
About 1/2 to the exit we came upon an opening and Avander wanted me to take pictures.  :)

The boys did great!  Ami was worried a bear was going to her and I think she was very cold, so we (Mike) carried her 98% of the way.  But we eventually made it to the end!
A short rest at the top before heading back down to the parking lot.
Just as we started down the path Mike somehow twisted his ankle.  Hopefully this will not bother him too much the rest of the weekend.

On the way down we passed several "little caves", as Ami called them.

It was a very nice walk.

At one point we were able to see the top of Mt. St. Helen.  Which is hard to see in the picture.  It is just above the tree line.
At the bottom I took a picture of the information sign of Ape Cave.
Uncle Tony and Ami played in a hollow tree trunk.

We made it back to the campground and started a campfire.  We had hot dogs and beans for dinner and of course s'mores for dessert.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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