Sunday, February 18, 2018

Biosphere 2

Friday, November 24, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Today we headed up to Biosphere 2.  We selected the family tour, which took us to different areas then we went when just Mike and I came.  We had some time before our tour was to begin so we ate lunch at the cafe ahead of time.  Then it was time to head for the Biosphere building.
Our fist stop was the rain forest area.
Then we head for the ocean.  We got to go to the ocean shore.
And the kids each got to hold a snail.

Ami thought it was really cool!

A few more stops on the tour.

Then the kids were each given a piece of sun paper and some objects to place on the paper.

After a short period of time they took the objects off and had a picture.

It was a beautiful day!  For dinner we ate pizza at the Italian Peasant Restaurant in Tubac.

It was another wonderful day!

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