Saturday, February 24, 2018

Desert Museum

Monday, December 11, 2017 - Amado, AZ

I worked a few hours this morning, then we headed for the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  It was really awesome!

Got a good picture of Holly and Mike.
And some pictures of some beautiful desert flowers.

We also saw some humming birds that live in the desert.

Then I got a couple more pictures of some beautiful flowers and other desert plants.

Then Mike took a couple of pictures of Holly and I.

After Mike took this picture I saw this walking stick and just had to take a picture.
Then it was time for us to go to the Raptor Free Flight.  Holly had several people to be sure to see this, so we went and I am really glad we did.  It was awesome!  I tried to catch as many pictures of the different birds as I could.

This picture looks like I photo shopped it, but I was ducking at the same time as I took the picture.  :)
Here are some more pictures of the birds.

After the Raptor Free Flight we continued to check out the exhibits at the museum.  Some were of the desert wildlife.

And of course more flowers.  :)

That had time raptor statue that you could be part of, so I took a picture of Holly in it.  :)

Here are some more pictures of the animals.

It was finally time to leave, but not before taking a couple more pictures.

As we were driving back we came across this prefect saguaro cactus, so we had to take a picture.
And another picture of a good cactus.
The reflection of the sunshine on the mountain was beautiful, the picture does not do it justice.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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