Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rainforest Cafe and Legoland

Monday, November 27, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This morning Jess and Mike got things packed up, since they fly out this evening.  Before heading for Phoenix Mike took Mike J on the ATV up to the gate at the observation tower.  I think Mike J really enjoyed riding on the "Boogie-bile".

Once they returned we drove up to Phoenix and had lunch at Rainforest Cafe.

The kids seemed to really enjoy it!  :)

Then we headed down the mall to Legoland.  On the way there they found these light up stools.

When you first go into Legoland you get to see a video about how the Legos are made.

Then you take a ride and shot characters made of Lego.  Jess was going to ride in the same cart as me and the kids, but Alex and Avander closed the lap restraint before Jess got in and it could not be easily re-opened, so Jess, Mike and Mike J rode in the next cart.  :)  (Not very good pictures)

Then you walk by several Lego villages, which are awesome.

Finally we got to the play area and the kids had a really great time!

I also got a great picture of Jessica and Mike by the Lego clock.
It is a really neat clock made out of Lego's.
I also got a picture of Alex and Avander next to a couple Lego people.

Soon it was time for us to take Jess, Mike J and the kids to the airport.  We had a wonderful time and were thrilled they were able to come down.

It was another wonderful day!

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