Friday, October 26, 2018

June 2018

Friday, June 1, 2018 - Camp Verde, AZ

After almost 2 years we are finally leaving De Anza RV Park in Amado, AZ.  Mike is done working here.  We have meet a lot of really great people here and have a really nice time. 

Mike will now be working in Reynosa.  We will take the rig up to Indiana for the summer to have it renovated.  I will stay with Tony and Miranda for the summer, while Mike will travel back and forth to McAllen, TX.  Hopefully I will be able to go down there at least once this summer. 

Our original plan for today was to go to North Ranch RV in Congress, AZ to get the rig weighed, but we found out they are not open on Friday's and you have to have an appointment.  But we still drove north via Phoenix, which was a mistake, traffic was awful!   We finally arrived at Zane Grey RV Park in Camp Verde, AZ.  It is a very nice park and I would like to come back some day to do some more exploring.

Once we were set up we went for a walk down to the creek and Gracie was a very happy puppy dog!

Before going into town for dinner we stopped to take a picture of the RV park.

For dinner we ate at a small Mexican restaurant in town, La Casita. 
It was a very good dinner and we struck up a conversation with the couple sitting at the table next to us.  They let us know of several things to do in the area, but we will not be here long enough to do any of them.  We will be back.

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, June 2, 2018 - Holbrook, AZ

While we were packing up Gracie was busy checking things out.

It was a beautiful drive today.  And we drove by a couple of factories out in the middle of no where.

Eventually we arrived at OK RV Park in Holbrook, AZ. 
I would have to say the town of Holbrook is the town the move Cars was based on.  :)  And the Wigwam Motel is still a working motel right here on Route 66.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, June 3, 2018 - Holbrook, AZ

Today we explored as much of the Petrified Forest National Park as we could. 

Here is a sign that explained how they became petrified.
And here are some pictures of petrified wood.

We walked up to the Agate House, which is a house that was made out of petrified wood.

We continued to explore the park.

Soon we arrived at the Agate Bridge.  The bridge is now being supported, they added concert underneath it.  We had to wait our turn to take a picture of it.  I am the pink spot in the picture.

Then we went on down to the Blue Mesa.

We stopped by where Route 66 used go through the park.

The only thing that is left of the road in this area is the telephone poles.
Finally we made it to the Painted Desert Visitor Center.  It wan an old hotel at one time.  It is a very neat old building.

We took the short trail near the visitor center at the edge of the painted desert.

We took a couple of selfies along the trail.  We are getting better at taking selfies.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, June 4, 2018 - Santa Fe, NM

This morning we got back on the road.  The drive was very nice.  As we were driving we were passing these piles of what looked like coal.  I am not real sure what it is.  They are hard to make out in the pictures.  :)

We drove to Santa Fe today, stopping at Santa Fe Skies RV Park.
Once we got all set up we took Gracie for a walk on the trail that goes around the park.

For dinner we went into Santa Fe and ate at San Fran Street Bar & Grill.  It was just ok, nothing special.  But it was on the second floor and we sat near a window where we could look down on the street below.

The sunset tonight was beautiful.
It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018 - Santa Fe, NM

I worked for a couple of hours this morning then we went into Santa Fe to tour the city.  We found a place to park then we started walking.  I thought I took more pictures, but this is what I have.

The we arrived at The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.  It is a beautiful church.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - Pueblo, CO

Today was another nice drive.

Soon we arrived at the exit that was going to take us to the KOA, but the underpass was to short.  We are 13' 3" tall and this underpass is 13' 3" tall.
The KOA is right on the other side of the underpass, so we got back on the interstate and drove to the next exit, which was plenty tall enough.  When we got off our exit the road we needed to enter the KOA was a U-turn from the exit.  It is not easy to U-turn a 65' rig.  :)  When Mike backed up he scraped the back of the trailer in the dirt.
We ended up with a lot of dirt in the bumper, which once we finally got set up.  I didn't take any pictures of our site.

Mike and Cathy came down to see our rig, and we went to dinner at the Pueblo Riverwalk.  It was a very nice dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, June 7, 2018 - Pueblo, CO

Roger wanted us to park in front of his house.  He said he had plenty of room, but we were already settled at the KOA.  And once we arrived at his house we were glad we did not bring up the rig.  We are not sure we would have made the corner.  :)

We went out to lunch with Barb and Roger and Bobbie and Russ.  We went into the town of Parker and ate at Rory's Diner.  It is a nice little restaurant.

After lunch we went back to Barb and Roger's house to just enjoy the afternoon.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, June 8, 2018 - Russell, KS

We were up early this morning and drove to Russell, KS.  It was a very windy day, so the drive was not any fun.  We stayed at the Triple J Campground.
It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, June 9, 2018 - Kearney, MO

Today we met Jess and the kids at Dave and Becky's.  Dave wanted to get there pond cleaned out, so the kids wanted to help and they had a blast.

 While we relaxed on the front porch.
It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, June 10, 2018 - Kearney, MO

After mass we met up with Jerry in Liberty for brunch.  We had a really nice brunch with him.  Then after we left the restaurant we drove around the corner and saw the Jesse James Bank Museum.
Becky had a couple of planters that she wanted painted, so the kids stripped down to their skivvies to paint.  :)

But they got bored with painting and wanted to go swimming in the pond, so that left Mike and Dave to finish up the painting.  They did a good job.

After painting and swimming it was time to rest.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Monday, June 11, 2018 - Chatham, IL

After a great weekend visiting with Dave and Becky we headed out again.  This time we had the grandkids.  Jess was going to have a couple of days off.  :)  We weren't sure they would all go with us, but they did.

We made it to just south of Springfield, IL.  We stayed at the Double J Campground.  I did not notice until I was typing this up, but on Friday we stayed at the Triple J and now we are at the Double J.  :)  Since only one person at time could ride in the truck they took turns.  Avander was first.  :)

Neither Mike or I got any pictures from this campground, but Mike took the kids over to a large chess set and let them play.  They also played at the playground.

This was a very nice campground and I would stay here again.

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 - Grovertown, IN

Originally we were going to go to Indianapolis, but we had an appointment for Friday to get the truck and trailer refurbished, so we decided to head straight to Northern Indiana.  We set up at EZ Kamp.

When we arrived the boys needed new flip flops, so we ran to WalMart and picked them up each a pair.  And of course we had to get Ami a pair also.  :)
We took a picture of the rig after we got our new shoes. The kids wanted in the picture with funny faces.
Gracie was happy to be here also.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Friday, June 15, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

The last couple of days we emptied out the trailer and moved some of our stuff to a storage shed and the rest to Tony and Miranda's.  Before we took our rig to get refurbished I took a few pictures of the before look.  We are supposed to have it back in 8 to 10 weeks.  We are really hoping to have it back before Tony and Miranda's wedding on August 25.

For the kids birthday's we always take them to the store to get what they want.  Well we have not had a chance to take Alex for his birthday shopping trip, so this evening we took him.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, June 17, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

Today was the first bridal shower for Miranda.  It was held at the Olive Garden in Mishawaka.  It was a very nice bridal shower.

We had a really nice time.

When we got home Tony was shooting off fireworks with the kids.

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, June 23, 2018 - Valpariaso, IN

Jess was at work this evening, so Tony, Miranda, and I took Alex, Avanader, and Ami to a drive-in movie.  Before the movie the kids played football with Tony, Alex and Logan.  And we played with a Frisbee.  They had a lot of fun.  Then it was time for the movie to start.  We had one of the bean bag chairs in the back of the Suburban for the kids.
We had one in the back of Tony's truck for Tony, Miranda and me.
And there was one in the back of Alex's truck for Alex, Alyssa, Logan and Macy.
Even Gracie enjoyed the movie.
We watched Incredibles 2.  It was a good movie, but I don't think Ami saw much of it.  I think they all 3 slept at least part of the movie.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - Valparaiso, IN

It was a beautiful day today, so we took the boat out on Lake Michigan. 

 After playing on the beach all day and having a cook out, we went for a ride. 
We rode by the Aquatorium where the wedding is going to be.
It was getting time to head back, but I took one more picture of Ami.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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