Friday, January 3, 2020

Crystal Chapel

Saturday, November 23, 2019 - Hot Springs,  AR

Before we headed into to town to do some more sightseeing we let Gracie play in the water.  As you can see the water is almost all the way back down.

She just loves to chase rocks in the water.  Actually she just loves the water!  :)

Our original plan for this morning was to go see the Crystal Chapel that we were told about.  When we got there, the gates were closed.  After checking the website, I found out that as of November 23rd, it is now only open in the evening for the Holiday Lights.  So we bought a couple of tickets to see the Holiday Lights later this evening.

There is a historic baseball cell phone tour in Hot Springs.  Hot Springs used to be where spring training was held.  On our way to West Mountain, we came across these 2 signs for the cell phone tour.

When we got to the parking lot on the west mountain, I took a couple of pictures of the view.
The Hot Springs Mountain Tower, which is on the East Mountain, is in the distance of this picture.
We did go for a hike.  
For lunch, we went to the Ohio Club, which is the oldest bar in Arkansas.

They have quite a history, which was very interesting to read.
After lunch, we headed down to the Gangster Museum.  It cost $15 each to enter.  It is a guided tour and, in my opinion, they don't allow enough time to really read and review the information they have.  You are ushered from room to room and they have a short video in each room that you watch before moving to the next room.  It was very interesting all the same.  At the end they have a photo op, which we took advantage of.
It was finally time to go to the Holiday Lights.  The lights were very beautiful!  We thought we would be able to walk through very quickly, but it took us much longer then we expected.  :)  It was an outstanding display of lights and music and very much worth the admission fee.

Finally we headed for the chapel.  Before we got there we saw this structure and walked over to check it out.  We never did find out what the structure was, but think it is intended to be a carillon.  When we were there, there were no bells or sound system connected to it.
The Chapel is very beautiful!  The pictures just don't do it justice.
There was Christmas program going on inside and unfortunately, we got there close to the end and only got to listen to a couple pieces of Christmas music.  But it was a very good program all the same.

It was another wonderful day!

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