Thursday, January 9, 2020

Missed Picture

Thursday, December 12, 2019 - Waco, TX

This afternoon we headed for the Waco Visitor Center.  The whole reason I wanted to go here was because I read in the Visitor Guide they had a cardboard cut out of Chip and Joanna to take your  picture with.  I know it is a silly reason, but I wanted a picture.  :)  Here is the Visitor Center.  It is right next to the Texas Ranger Museum, but it was closed on Sunday.
Well when we went in I looked around and did not see the cut out, so I asked the lady at the desk and she said they don't have it any more.  I told her it was in the guide and she said "Yes, but they got rid of it".  I also looked to see if they had any iron on patches for Waco.  They just had ones for Texas.  The trip was a bust.  :)

When we left Mike was laughing at me, because he did not know the only reason we went there was so I could get a picture with a cardboard cut out of Chip and Joanna.  :)

I also took a picture of the sign for the Texas Ranger Museum.
When we got back to the trailer we took Gracie for a walk and while we were walking along the street behind the RV Park a guy in a pick up truck stops and rolls down his window.  At first we were a little concerned, then he said is that a Sheba?  Come to find out he had a white Sheba and Gracie was the first one other than his that he had seen in the area..  We stopped by his house and met his Sheba, Relson.  Gracie did not seem to mind him and allowed us to take a couple of pictures.

It was another wonderful day!

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