Thursday, April 16, 2020

Fuel Prices

Thursday, April 9, 2020 - Alpine, TX

The last time we filled the tank on the Suburban was March 14.  Mike checked the fuel gauge and we still have 5/8th of a tank.  Sheltering in place is causing a lot of people to use a lot less fuel.  They are also saying pollution is going down.  The average price of gas is going way down; oil has dropped to $20/barrel.  The national average price of regular gas is $1.90, with the cheapest price being in Wisconsin at $1.37.  Gas here in Alpine is still $2.39/gal, but it was $2.59 when we filled up on March 14th.

We took another picture of the empty road, but this time we took the picture just past the hospital.  The lights down on the left are from the airport and Aline Small Animal Clinic.

On the way back I took a picture of the RV park sign.
The only part you can read is RV.  :)

Each time we come back Mike notes the smell of the tree that has flowers that look similar to lilacs.  It smells worse every day.
It was another wonderful day!

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