Sunday, April 26, 2020

Library and Lights

Saturday, April 25, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Someone here in the RV Park told us there was toilet paper, paper towels and Kleenex at Family Dollar, so we ran over there real quick to pick some up.  They had plenty.
On our way home from Family Dollar, I took a picture of Old Gringo Coffee and Cocktails.  If you buy food from them you can get toilet paper or paper towels also.
We received the masks that Jess made for us.  They are very nice.  We will need to get some elastic to put on them, so they will stay on our face.  Thank you very much Jess!  :)

Today Mike saw on the Alpine Library's website that Don, the Director, wrote up an article about him and Alan and the work they have done.  It is a very nice article.  :)

APL's new storage facility
Two of APL's wonderful volunteers, Mike Brown (left) and Alan Wallace, have been helping prepare our new storage area for use. Although they haven't been able to do much since the middle of March, they are getting closer to completion of the project.
Mike and his wife arrived in Alpine in January (I think, seems like a year ago). Mike came by the library and asked if we had any projects he could work on. We have kept him busy up to the time we started sheltering in place! The couple planned to stay through the first week of April. However, as we know, COVID-19 changed many people's plans and now they will be here until the end of May?
During his time at APL, Mike has installed shelves, done some plumbing and electrical work, spent time in Re-Reads, worked on the roof, installed insulation, put up drywall, and painted. Alan, a long-time Alpine resident, volunteered to help with the work on the roof, insulation, drywall, and paint. Alan also put skirting around the storage building. Both of these guys have put in many hours and lots of blood, sweat, and tears. We appreciate all the work they've done to help make APL a better place. We'll miss Mike when he leaves. Of course, we'll still have Alan around to torture!

This evening we rode over to the Marfa Lights Viewing center to see if we could see the lights tonight.  This was our third try.  :)  On the way over the sunset behind the mountains was beautiful.
Then once we got there I took a picture of the moon, Venus and the sunset.  Which was beautiful!
After the group of people next to us left because they weren't seeing any lights, the lights showed up.  :)  This is the best picture I got with my phone.  They were very bright and a lot bigger; then they disappear and reappear in another spot.  It was very cool!  Next time I am going to take my good camera.  The lights off to the far right are from the cars on a highway.
We were getting cold, so around 10:30 we headed out.  As we were leaving I tried to take a picture of the moon setting in the west.  The picture does not do it justice.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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