Thursday, April 16, 2020

Hike Madera Canyon Trail

Sunday, March 1, 2020 - Alpine, TX

We have felt Gracie's feet are tired of the sharp, mean grass and the gravel, so we bought shoes for her.  Today I got them on her front feet, which was not an easy task.  :)  Once she had them on she did not want to walk.  I carried her down the steps, then she did not move.  LOL!

I finally gave up, took them off, and took her for a walk.

Then we headed for the Madera Canyon Trail, which is just north of Fort Davis State Park.
It is a loop trail that is a couple miles long.  The views were beautiful.

While we were hiking we heard someone yelling, but we never did figure out what it was until we were back at the parking lot.  The gentleman in the car next to ours was hiking the same trail we were with his German Shepherd type dog.  The dog took off chasing a large wild hog and the hog turned and attacked the dog wounding him.  The dog seem to be walking ok, but he had a deep gash  on his chest between his front legs, probably from a tusk.  The dog was very well behaved and took his handling and our help well.  He bandaged up his dog, then headed for a vet and we headed home.

It was another wonderful day!

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