Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Drive up Mt. Graham

Saturday, April 3, 2021 - Safford, AZ

Today we took a drive up Mt. Graham.  It was a beautiful drive and we did get out and do a little hiking.  And I took a lot of pictures.  :)

There is an animal up in the tree.  It is really hard to see.

As we continue to go up we got to snow and Gracie was very happy to see and play in it!  :)

We continued up the mountain; the views continued to be amazing!

Soon, we came upon an area that had be burned by a wild fire.

Eventually, we got as high as we were allowed to go.  They still have the road closed up at the top due to snow.  :)

The temperature near the top of the mountain where we stopped was in the upper 60's/ lower 70's.  When we got back to the trailer our thermometer was reading 105!

It was a perfect day to head up the mountain.

It was another wonderful day!

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