Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Gila Box

Saturday, March 20, 2021 - Safford, AZ

Today we took a ride up to Gila Box Riparian NCA.  

We took a picnic lunch and Gracie.  We did go by the Gila River and let Gracie have some fun!  It was a beautiful spot to stop.  :)

The sun was just going behind the rock was and it was worth taking a picture.

After playing there for a while, we hopped back in the car and drove down the road a little further and took a short hike.  We ended up down by the river again and of course Gracie wanted to get in. :)

Soon we were back in the car driving a little further up the road.  This time we ended up above the river and it was a beautiful view.

It was another wonderful day!

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