Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Travel to Amado

Sunday, February 19, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This morning Tony and Miranda dropped me off at O'Hare airport.  I am real glad Tony paid attention to my itinerary.  It seems I booked my flight to arrive at Midway and depart from O'Hare.  I don't think I have ever done that before.  If he had not paid attention I am sure I would have had him drop me off at Midway, then when I attempted to go through security I would have discovered I was at the wrong airport.  Not sure I would have made it to O'Hare on time.  :)

I had a wonderful time visiting with Tony and Miranda this week.  :)

While sitting at the gate waiting for my flight I heard an announcement for church services.  I would have gone to it, but unfortunately I did not have time prior to boarding to go to the chapel.  But I did not even know it was an option at the airport.  I think it is awesome.  :)

The lake looked beautiful today, so I just had to take a picture.
It is a little hazy so it is hard to see Lake Michigan.  It was an uneventful flight.  The layover in Atlanta was 2 hours, which is a little longer than I like, but it was good.

Mike picked me up at the Phoenix airport and we went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  We finally got home around 11:30pm.  It was a long day and I was glad to be home.  I don't think I will be flying out of Phoenix anymore.  It is just too far away.

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Yes to the Dress

Saturday, February 18, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

This morning Miranda and I headed for David's Bridal where we met her mom for the 10:30am appointment.  She tried on several dresses and really liked one of them, but since we had another appointment at Greta's Bridal at 2:00pm we put it on hold.

We stopped by Salsa's for lunch before going to Greta's.  Normally the food and service are great here, but today the service left a lot to be desired today.  The food was still great.

After lunch we headed for Greta's.  Miranda tried on several dresses.  I would have to say our biggest complaint about Greta's was that she brought out a couple of dresses that were over the budget.  All of the dresses Miranda tried on were compared to the one at David's.  She did not like any of them better, so we decided to go back to David's and get the dress she put on hold.  :)

Miranda was able to try the dress on one more time to make sure this is the dress she wanted to say yes to.  :)  Then they handed her a bell, told her to close her eyes and imagine herself walking up the aisle, make a wish for her wedding day, make a wish for her future and ring the bell. and she did.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Another Week Done

Friday, February 17, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Wow what a week!  Today is a beautiful day!  It was unseasonably warm today.  The high today was in the mid 60's.  I was just glad Mary asked me to join her for lunch, which meant I went outside to enjoy the weather.  We went to Christo's and had a wonderful lunch.  It has been several months since she and I had lunch.  It was wonderful catching up and discussing the state of affairs.

This afternoon before leaving work I said "Good-bye" and "Good luck" to Martie, Trace and Rodney.  They are just the latest ones that have resigned and are moving on to a new job.  Since the new company took over that makes 9 or 10 from our department alone.  So far none of the vacant jobs have been posted.  Just saying.

It was another wonderful day! 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Dinner with Diane

Thursday, February 16, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

On my way to work this morning the sunrise was beautiful, so at a stop light I had to take a picture.
The light changed to green just as I took the picture.  :)

This evening I had dinner with Diane.  She made grilled cheese and beef stew.  It was great!  Then we sat around catching up with what is going on in each others life.  We had a wonderful time.

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner with Lisa

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

This evening I met Lisa at the Broadway Cafe for dinner.  We have not seen each other for 20+ years and it was great catching up with her.  We were there for almost 3 hours.  :)  These are times when I really like Facebook.  We have been friends on Facebook for several years, so we knew what was going on in each others lives,  but it sure was wonderful to hear it in person.  We should not let so much time pass before seeing each other again!

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Valentines Day

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

 Happy Valentines Day!

I should have booked a different week to come to Indiana.  :)  I am here and Mike is in Arizona.  Love you lots Mike!!!

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Valparaiso

Sunday, February 12, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

We were up very early this morning.  My flight left at 5:55am and I wanted to be at the airport by no later than 4:30am.  I am real glad I got there that early.  The line to check your luggage was very long.  The flight left on time and it was a little bumpy until we got up to altitude, but it was a uneventful flight.  The first leg of my flight was to Atlanta and it was very cloudy when we landed.  I took this picture after we left Atlanta and got up to altitude.
 Then I took these as I was landing in Chicago. 

It was a beautiful day.  Tony and Miranda picked me up and we went to eat a late lunch at Wings, Etc.  It was very good.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Travel to Phoenix

Saturday, February 11, 2017 - Phoenix, AZ

This morning we were supposed to help with set up of St. Ann's booth at the Tubac Art Festival.  The booth is located at the rectory.  Well we did not bother to ask where the rectory is located.  We just figured it would be by the church.  We even asked a couple of people and they pointed us toward the church.  We finally gave up since it was getting closer to time for the festival to open and we needed to get the car out of the area.  :)

We went out to breakfast at the Greyhound Room.  Got back to the trailer and packed up.  Tomorrow morning I will be flying up to Indiana for the week.  Mike will be taking me up to Phoenix and we will be staying in a hotel tonight.  My flight is at 5:55am.  Really early.  I don't like early flights, so I don't know why I did this to myself.

Once we were packed I walked Gracie over to Central Pet.  She was not very happy with me when we got there and she realized she would be staying.  I always feel bad when I drop her off, but she can't go to the hotel with us.

We weren't real sure what we were going to do today.  Originally we had planned to meet up with Greg our financial planner in Phoenix, but I-10 is closed for the weekend and he lives on the other side of the closure, so we decided to postpone seeing him.  Well there is a RV show in Tucson at the Pima County Fairgrounds and we enjoy going to RV shows, so that is what we decided to do.

While we were we saw these new steps by MorRyde.
According to the RV salesman the biggest complaint is the steps go up into the coach when you are traveling.  I thought they looked really nice!

We also saw a new manufacturer, Vanleigh.  It is a very nice unit.  Here is a link to their website.

Eventually we continued on to Phoenix.  We checked into the Best Western by Sky Harbor Airport.  Then we headed for Applebee's for dinner.  We have not been to an Applebee's in a long time and they have really changed their menu.  We both had ribs.  They were good and we had a nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

Snow Moon

Friday, February 10, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Usually there is a full moon party here at the park, but since it is a night the restaurant is open it must have been at someones site.  I did not find out who's, so I just had a glass of wine and took a couple of pictures of the Snow Moon.  :)

It really was bright and beautiful.

It was another wonderful day!

Stables Restaurant

Thursday, February 9, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Just as I was getting ready to pour me a glass of wine and go out to join the neighbors, Mike called to let me know that we had been invited to go out to dinner with the SMP crew.  At least this means I didn't have to cook dinner.  :)  I did go ahead and have the glass of wine.

Mike picked me up and we headed for Stables Restaurant in Tubac.  Rob and Kathy, Gerry, Gregg, David and Dan all joined us.  We ate out on the patio and it was a beautiful night to eat outside.
It was a beautiful night and we had a great time!

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Las Vigas

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This evening we meet Rob, Kathy, Gerry, and Dan at Las Vigas Steak Ranch in Nogales, AZ.  It was a very good dinner.  We had a really nice time.  I would recommend this restaurant.  We ordered the Guacamole for an appetizer.  It was freshly made and it was great.  I had the Gorditas and Mike had the Fajitas.  Both meals were very good.

The guys were teasing me that Mike agreed to work for another 3 years, but I knew they were just kidding.  I know that Mike wants to be retired again.  :)  The only way he will continue to work is if I can't find another job before losing the one I have now.

It was another wonderful day!


Sunday, February 5, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This morning we had breakfast at the Greyhound Room.  It was very good as always.  :)  Then it was off to Mass.  When we got home we headed to Elgin, AZ.  There are 11 wineries in Elgin.  We only made it to 2 of them.  There were not a lot of people at either one, in fact we were the only customers.  We were told it was because it was Super Bowl Sunday.

Our first stop was in downtown Elgin.  It is The Village of Elgin Winery.
The lady there was very chatty, but we had a nice time and of course I bought some wine.  :)

Our next stop was Kief-Joshua Vineyards.  This made us feel like we were pulling up to someones house.  The building the distance is yet another winery, but we did not make it to that one today.
Here is a picture from their website.
They did not have as many sweeter wines, but I still bought a couple of bottles.  I now have my stock built back up.  :)

There is snow on the mountains
There drive there and back was very nice.  Here are a couple of pictures from our drive back.

We stopped by Nogales, AZ to eat at Salad City and go to the grocery.

It was another wonderful day!

Moving Day

Saturday, February 4, 2017 - Amado, AZ

 This morning we got up early and started packing things up so we could move the trailer.  We need to move from site 113 to 112.  The people that were in site 112 signed a 3 year lease.  This gives them the option to pick their site and the site they picked was ours.  They bought a 5th wheel that they did a little bit of work on and now the work is complete and they are ready to move.

Mike and I both had eye doctor appointments this morning, so once we were packed up we headed for Green Valley to the Vision Center.  We both ended up purchasing new glasses.  Since I work on the computer so much, I let the doctor talk me into buying Blutech Lenses.  Once I get them we will see how well they work.

When we got back home Mike fired up the truck and we moved our trailer over 1 site.
Once we were all settled again we headed up to the back patio and enjoyed Margarita night.  :)

It was another wonderful day!