Sunday, February 12, 2017

Travel to Phoenix

Saturday, February 11, 2017 - Phoenix, AZ

This morning we were supposed to help with set up of St. Ann's booth at the Tubac Art Festival.  The booth is located at the rectory.  Well we did not bother to ask where the rectory is located.  We just figured it would be by the church.  We even asked a couple of people and they pointed us toward the church.  We finally gave up since it was getting closer to time for the festival to open and we needed to get the car out of the area.  :)

We went out to breakfast at the Greyhound Room.  Got back to the trailer and packed up.  Tomorrow morning I will be flying up to Indiana for the week.  Mike will be taking me up to Phoenix and we will be staying in a hotel tonight.  My flight is at 5:55am.  Really early.  I don't like early flights, so I don't know why I did this to myself.

Once we were packed I walked Gracie over to Central Pet.  She was not very happy with me when we got there and she realized she would be staying.  I always feel bad when I drop her off, but she can't go to the hotel with us.

We weren't real sure what we were going to do today.  Originally we had planned to meet up with Greg our financial planner in Phoenix, but I-10 is closed for the weekend and he lives on the other side of the closure, so we decided to postpone seeing him.  Well there is a RV show in Tucson at the Pima County Fairgrounds and we enjoy going to RV shows, so that is what we decided to do.

While we were we saw these new steps by MorRyde.
According to the RV salesman the biggest complaint is the steps go up into the coach when you are traveling.  I thought they looked really nice!

We also saw a new manufacturer, Vanleigh.  It is a very nice unit.  Here is a link to their website.

Eventually we continued on to Phoenix.  We checked into the Best Western by Sky Harbor Airport.  Then we headed for Applebee's for dinner.  We have not been to an Applebee's in a long time and they have really changed their menu.  We both had ribs.  They were good and we had a nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

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