Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Moving Day

Saturday, February 4, 2017 - Amado, AZ

 This morning we got up early and started packing things up so we could move the trailer.  We need to move from site 113 to 112.  The people that were in site 112 signed a 3 year lease.  This gives them the option to pick their site and the site they picked was ours.  They bought a 5th wheel that they did a little bit of work on and now the work is complete and they are ready to move.

Mike and I both had eye doctor appointments this morning, so once we were packed up we headed for Green Valley to the Vision Center.  We both ended up purchasing new glasses.  Since I work on the computer so much, I let the doctor talk me into buying Blutech Lenses.  Once I get them we will see how well they work.

When we got back home Mike fired up the truck and we moved our trailer over 1 site.
Once we were all settled again we headed up to the back patio and enjoyed Margarita night.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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