Saturday, February 18, 2017

Another Week Done

Friday, February 17, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Wow what a week!  Today is a beautiful day!  It was unseasonably warm today.  The high today was in the mid 60's.  I was just glad Mary asked me to join her for lunch, which meant I went outside to enjoy the weather.  We went to Christo's and had a wonderful lunch.  It has been several months since she and I had lunch.  It was wonderful catching up and discussing the state of affairs.

This afternoon before leaving work I said "Good-bye" and "Good luck" to Martie, Trace and Rodney.  They are just the latest ones that have resigned and are moving on to a new job.  Since the new company took over that makes 9 or 10 from our department alone.  So far none of the vacant jobs have been posted.  Just saying.

It was another wonderful day! 

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