Friday, March 17, 2017


Friday, March 3, 2017 - Fort Myers, FL

Johnny, Christa and Caroline arrived around 11:00am.  Shortly after they arrived we let Caroline open her birthday presents.  Her birthday was a couple of days ago.

She seemed to like all of the gifts.  :)  After she finished opening the gifts we headed out for Cass Cay Restaurant at Burnt Store Marina.  It was a little cool in the shade, but as always it was a good meal.

After we finished eating we headed back to mom and dad's place.  We changed to our swimming suits and got into the hot tub.

Caroline and I really enjoyed playing with her Disney figurines.  Soon we were ready to get out of the pool, but Caroline was ready to run around the pool.  So off her and I went.  At the one end she would stop, sit down and kick her feet in the hot tub.  Then we would run to the other end, which was very shallow, and we would step and splash our feet.  It was so much fun.  We must have run around the pool at least 20 times before Caroline needed to go in.  As I was still sitting outside in a lawn chair Caroline came up to me wanting to run a little more, so off we went.  I had a really good time.  :)

Eventually we sang "Happy Birthday" to Caroline and had some cake.

Soon it was getting to be time for John, Christa and Caroline to head.

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Relaxing Day

Thursday, March 2, 2017 - Fort Myers, FL

We slept in this morning and Patsy fixed sausage, biscuits and gravy for us for a late breakfast.  It was delicious.  After we cleaned up the breakfast dishes we got our suits on and enjoyed some time in the pool.  Or should I say the edge of the pool with our drinks.  :)
This evening Uncle Mike and Valerie came over for dinner.  Patsy once again cooked a very good meal of Tuscan Chicken.  After dinner we played euchre.  We did not track scores we just played. 

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Fort Myers

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - Fort Myers, FL

We were up a little earlier this morning.  Mike wanted to have me up to the airport by 6:00am.  My flight did not leave until 8:20am, but I did not mind being there a little early.  Today is the 1st of the month and I have lots of reports that need to get out for month end.  As soon as I got to the gate I got my laptop out and went to work.  Isn't technology grand.  :)  I just about had all of my reports done when it was time to board.  I finished up the reports during my layover in Houston.  It is now time to put the laptop away and enjoy my vacation.  :)

Patsy and Sue picked me up at the airport and took me back to mom and dad's place.  Once I had put my luggage in my room and changed my clothes we all loaded into the car and headed for Ford's Garage for dinner. And I was really hunger since I had not really eaten all day.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Hike De Anza Trail

Sunday, February 26, 2017 - Amado, AZ

After Mass today Mike wanted to get several things done around the trailer, so I decided it would be a good day for me and Gracie to go for a nice long walk.  There is 2 mile section of the De Anza trail not very far from the RV park, so we walked to the trail head and headed out on the trail.

It was a nice peaceful hike.  Gracie started to slow down about 1.5 miles into the trail, so I decided not to push her any further, so we turned and headed back.  This trail was marked a lot better than the section Mike and I took last summer.  And the trail seemed to be cleaner.  Not as much trash laying around.

It was another wonderful day!

New Glasses

Saturday, February 25, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This morning we did have a parish council meeting scheduled, but it got cancelled for today.  To many people said they would not be able to make it.  As it was we said we would have to leave on time since we had to pick up our new glasses this morning.  Both Mike and I got new glasses.  I did not really need new lenses, but the doctor talked me into trying Blu Tech Lenses.  They are supposed to be real good for people who work on computers.  I will give them a try.  :)

While we were in town we did run a few errands.  :)

This afternoon we did stroll up to the back porch for Margarita Hour.  As always it was a lot of fun.  I had stew in the crock pot, so after margarita hour we headed back to the trailer for dinner.  While eating dinner I did get a text message from Bobbie inviting us over to watch a movie tonight.  We watched The Accountant.  I had seen it on my flight from Chicago to Tucson earlier in the week, so I knew what it was all about.  Everyone enjoyed the movie.  Mike even stayed awake for it.  :)

It was another wonderful day!