Monday, March 6, 2017

Hike De Anza Trail

Sunday, February 26, 2017 - Amado, AZ

After Mass today Mike wanted to get several things done around the trailer, so I decided it would be a good day for me and Gracie to go for a nice long walk.  There is 2 mile section of the De Anza trail not very far from the RV park, so we walked to the trail head and headed out on the trail.

It was a nice peaceful hike.  Gracie started to slow down about 1.5 miles into the trail, so I decided not to push her any further, so we turned and headed back.  This trail was marked a lot better than the section Mike and I took last summer.  And the trail seemed to be cleaner.  Not as much trash laying around.

It was another wonderful day!

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