Friday, March 17, 2017


Friday, March 3, 2017 - Fort Myers, FL

Johnny, Christa and Caroline arrived around 11:00am.  Shortly after they arrived we let Caroline open her birthday presents.  Her birthday was a couple of days ago.

She seemed to like all of the gifts.  :)  After she finished opening the gifts we headed out for Cass Cay Restaurant at Burnt Store Marina.  It was a little cool in the shade, but as always it was a good meal.

After we finished eating we headed back to mom and dad's place.  We changed to our swimming suits and got into the hot tub.

Caroline and I really enjoyed playing with her Disney figurines.  Soon we were ready to get out of the pool, but Caroline was ready to run around the pool.  So off her and I went.  At the one end she would stop, sit down and kick her feet in the hot tub.  Then we would run to the other end, which was very shallow, and we would step and splash our feet.  It was so much fun.  We must have run around the pool at least 20 times before Caroline needed to go in.  As I was still sitting outside in a lawn chair Caroline came up to me wanting to run a little more, so off we went.  I had a really good time.  :)

Eventually we sang "Happy Birthday" to Caroline and had some cake.

Soon it was getting to be time for John, Christa and Caroline to head.

It was another wonderful day!

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