Monday, March 6, 2017

Travel to Fort Myers

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - Fort Myers, FL

We were up a little earlier this morning.  Mike wanted to have me up to the airport by 6:00am.  My flight did not leave until 8:20am, but I did not mind being there a little early.  Today is the 1st of the month and I have lots of reports that need to get out for month end.  As soon as I got to the gate I got my laptop out and went to work.  Isn't technology grand.  :)  I just about had all of my reports done when it was time to board.  I finished up the reports during my layover in Houston.  It is now time to put the laptop away and enjoy my vacation.  :)

Patsy and Sue picked me up at the airport and took me back to mom and dad's place.  Once I had put my luggage in my room and changed my clothes we all loaded into the car and headed for Ford's Garage for dinner. And I was really hunger since I had not really eaten all day.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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