Saturday, August 26, 2017

Oshkosh Day 2

Sunday, July 30, 2017 - Oshkosh, WI

I did not get very many picture today, but we still had a great time.

Here are a couple more planes we saw.

Then as we were walking to the car we saw one more plane on top of this car.  :)
I am sure the little boy or girl that is getting this plane will really enjoy it!

It was time for Mike and I to head for the airport and for Tony and Miranda to head home.  They dropped us off at O'Hare after dinner and we said our "good-bye"'s. 

It was another wonderful day!

Oshkosh Air Show

Saturday, July 29, 2017 - Oshkosh, WI

Tony, Miranda, Mike and I were up early this morning and drove to Oshkosh, WI to attend the EAA Airventure!  As we were walking to the entrance we saw an air writer writing OSH 17.
This aircraft wings can be folded back and placed on a trailer.  We could take it with us.  :)
Mike stopped by and looked at the kit cars.  Of course he sent a picture to Phil.
There were a lot of people who flew in.

This is a part of the airplane I could actually see Mike building.
I did finally get a picture of the EAA sign.
This is a refurbished B-17.  It is beautiful!  They did a get job!
 In this picture is a 94 woman that was one of the original Rosy the Riveter.  She is the short woman talking to the boy with the red cap on.  :)  They said that she actually worked on this plane.
 Here are some more pictures of planes.

This is a picture of the completed plane that I could see Mike building.
The air show has started and here are some pictures of the planes that we watched fly overhead.

My favorite part of the show was the Blue Angels.  :)

The weather today was wonderful!

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Family Reunion

Saturday, July 22, 2017 - Indianapolis, IN

Yesterday Tony, Alex and Nick left for their guys trip, which left Miranda and I home for the weekend.  We got up early this morning to head for Indianapolis for the Kirkhoff Family Reunion at Noblesville Park.  We had a really good turn out!

After lunch Mitch used his drone to take this great picture!
Not everyone was in the picture some of the kids and their parents were playing at the playground and some people had already left.  :)

Before any of my Mom and Dad's family left we took a picture of the group that was able to make it to the reunion.  And there are several of us missing.  :)
 This is a picture of the generations prior to mine.
I found out several things about my ancestry during the reunion.  One of the most interesting was the spelling of our last name.  It was originally spelled Kirchhof, but when a stone was carved for the front of the first Kirkhoff Plumbing building the person that carved the stone spelled it KIRKHOFF and that is the way it has been spelled for my family ever since.  :)

Earlier this week our front AC unit quit working.  On Tuesday the mobile service tech came out to look at it, but he had to order a part.  Mike said he was able to fix the unit this morning.  :)  Fortunately the main unit was able to keep up.  If it were in the month of June when it failed, the main unit may not have been able to keep up.

It was another wonderful day!

Company Picnic

Friday, July 21, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Today was our company picnic.  I would call it a team building session.  When we got there they had us set up in teams and Martie and I were on the same team.  While we were waiting for everyone to arrive they had breakfast for us.  Well I decided to get a glass of orange juice...  When I got back to the table I set my OJ down and promptly spilled it all over the table.  In the middle of the table was a flag we are supposed to decorate for our team.  Well now it is wet!  The only one at the table I had met before today was Martie and now the rest of the people will not forget me.  :)

Soon the activities started.  As a team we did not do all that great and they discovered I take directions well, but don't give them well.  :)

Our flag did win the best decorated.  It was OJ.  LOL!

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Indiana

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 - Valparaiso, IN

Happy Birthday Tony!

This afternoon I drove up to the Tucson Airport to fly to Indiana.  Mike will be picking up the car later on tonight.  :)  My original plan was to catch the United Limo, but they were running very late and Tony was working in the area, so he picked me up on the way home.  Once we got to his house we took him out to dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - Amado, AZ

The rain has brought out a lot of critters.  This is what we saw tonight.

Gracie was interested, but we did not let her get too close.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Rain on the Way

Sunday, July 16, 2017 - Amado, AZ

The rain is on the way and we could no longer see the mountain.

The ran from that cloud actually did not make to us, but we did get rain later on.

It was another wonderful day!

Wine Tasting

Saturday, July 15, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Today we drove up to Elgin to check out a couple more wineries.  Our first stop was Lightning Ridge Cellars.

The next stop is the oldest winery in the area, Sonoita Vineyards Winery.

Even though these wineries are close together it still seems like they are out in the middle of no where.

On the way back we stopped by the roadside historical site, John Ward's Ranch.  There is also a memorial here.  Unfortunately it looks like someone damaged one of the statues.
It was raining off in the distance on our way back and it looked so cool I just had to take a couple of pictures.

It was another wonderful day!